A. Nonie Meus

This essay made me consider, really for the first time, what an incredible change it is for people to have access to definitive proof of who their parents (and therefore, their extended family) actually are. There is so much about our society that depends on the assumption of who our biological family really is, and

I am really honestly curious how you drew that conclusion. It doesn’t seem like the other driver was doing anything but getting hit by an inattentive cop. Can you suss out his speed based on the 1/2 second of the video when you can see him driving? Do you know off the top of your head if the speed limit on that street

You may remember that my first comment stated that I didn’t think it was likely he had video evidence of Bill Clinton raping someone and your reply was “why not?”

Did you, um, watch the video? Did the cop who “asked you” to sit in the back seat *without* cuffs on also make you crawl around on the ground? Had the cop almost killed you without justification mere seconds before?

So we’re back to “he was near a victim one time.” You may remember that my first comment stated that I didn’t think it was likely he had video evidence of Bill Clinton raping someone and your reply was “why not?” 

LOL you are seriously proving my point. You go from “believe the victim” to “I never said he raped anyone” to “why didn’t he personally put a stop to what other people may have been doing.” It’s all dancing around inferences and implications, as always.

Yeah this culture of conviction by allegation is really troubling, what with all those tens of thousands of men currently sitting in prison based on nothing but a mere allegation of sexual assault!

Victim of whom? Epstein? Where is her testimony that she was raped by Clinton? This is still “he was seen near a victim” and “he was on Epstein’s plane several more times than he initially reported,” not “there is evidence that Bill Clinton raped underaged girls.” For fuck’s sake. This conversation is exactly what I

Hmm. I definitely sit this way a lot of the time.

I’ll never forget the very first time I heard about Amazon Prime itself. It was around 2008; I was checking a credit card bill and noticed that Amazon had automatically signed me up for an auto-renewing prime membership, and a little more digging told me it had happened two years previously. They had charged me like

I know it gets you down but try to let it go

Hang on to your evocative shreds! 

A shithead? Who went to Duke? Next thing you’ll tell me you know a Dartmouth graduate who isn’t a fine young man!

Ah yes, the flip side of intersectionality.

I need absolutely incontrovertible evidence - and a lot of it, not just an evocative shred like “he was near one of the victims once” - if I am ever going to actually believe one of the many, many, many conspiracy theories that have been swirling around the Clinton family for decades. Not saying it’s impossible but

Are you referring to specific writers or stories? I have never gotten this vibe from Splinter. 

I maintain that people who produce these podcasts are actually shilling for the right. The right has a really terrible problem with disingenuous people who claim to push certain right-wing political opinions just because it gets them fans/clicks/money/lols. A lot of those assholes don’t seem to understand that there

I am unexpectedly REALLY excited that they may have found evidence of all the people he is surely blackmailing. I have a feeling the SDNY’s office is an interesting place right now. I don’t seriously think Trump or Clinton are on that list but there will certainly be some good items.

There is plenty of interest but even Beyonce’s presence is not going to earn this movie a lot of praise.

So many experienced, presumably successful people made so many conscious, active decisions to conceive, produce, and market this movie that no amount of beating the corpse will be too much.