A. Nonie Meus

People have, however, gotten rich by overcharging extremely stupid other rich people for items of no fixed value

True but he may still have been foiled during the due diligence process 

This is especially interesting to me because of how few celebrities, broadly speaking, are “well known” Christians, Catholic or otherwise. You have this big handful of known Scientologists, and you generally have a sense of who’s Jewish although you won’t necessarily know who practices what. You know who loudly talks

A friend in DC posted some eye-popping pictures on facebook with an obviously sarcastic comment to the effect of “this is normal, everything’s fine!” and one of his fb friends responded in all earnestness with “actually, this is normal. The storm drains in Washington are notorious for backing up, and blah blah blah”

This conversation never makes sense to me. Even when I was young and you could still smoke everywhere, every time I saw someone on TV smoking I would think “gross” much the way I thought the same thing every time I saw someone in real life smoking. When I was watching the first few episodes of this season of Stranger

I am a little scared about how much I am starting to like her. She is clearly not the best candidate for president but she knows her brand, she doesn’t take herself too seriously, and her ideas are refreshing if nothing else. I think a lot more democrats would have a similar perspective (i.e. wouldn’t be so scathing

I have seen every one of these movies and they have all congealed in my mind into one big lumpy mess. I get why people would say she is faking this above-it-all attitude, but I absolutely think your explanation makes equal sense.

Judges in NJ are appointed, not elected.

You can’t be successfully sued for “publicly shaming” someone unless you said something demonstrably false or harassing. Also, simply firing someone for incompetence is not equivalent to “public shaming” even if “public shaming” were a valid cause for legal action. The notion that HR companies can’t say anything

My mom worked in and adjacent to the criminal justice system in the county where this happened, and I distinctly remember her talking shit about this very same judge MANY years ago.

I mean, yes, this is legitimately a slight possibility. 

A joke about straight men engaging in anal sex! Edgy!

Not to be morbid but it’s interesting to think about what would happen if Trump did, in fact, suddenly and unexpectedly pass. The way I see this situation, he is unintentionally and maybe unknowingly holding the republican party together himself through the sheer force of his personality. If he abruptly disappeared, I

It is hilarious to me that when you visit the website and they show a little mock-up of what a profile on the site looks like, one of the first things the sample feed offers is a horoscope. 

Count me surprised that the Alabama method doesn’t involve setting the gasoline alight after you’ve poured it into the nest. 

If you think that is mediocre white male territory I honestly feel like you don’t know very many white people. Like, I’m really not sure why we are suddenly so invested in downplaying people’s accomplishments and ignoring actual experience running businesses, good education, etc just because someone looks like our

LOL yeah sure Amazon, it’s your critics who are the ones failing to appreciate all the nuances here.

It is remarkable to me that people like McConnell and his staff would even bother to engage with celebrities and comedians, but then I realize - to a lot of McConnell’s base (i.e. completely uneducated white people in rural Kentucky), there is no such thing as getting pwned. Like, it is literally impossible to

Uh so, as California is a two party consent state, doesn’t this mean the Weinstein company committed a crime by recording a phone call without the express consent of the other participants, and in fact lied to the other parties about the recording?

Not only were they not calling each other names, but every single one of them said at least one intelligent, meaningful thing, even Ryan and Delaney. The last round of republican debates was like 50/50 serious people and fools, and one of the fools actually fucking won.