A. Nonie Meus

Hear me out for a moment.

At the top of the debate, I was ready for like a MINUTE to discover my appreciation for John Delaney. I thought he came out of the gate with a good first answer, and I admit that I still have a weakness for people with actual private sector/entrepreneurial experience who then serve in elected office. I also dimly

Jesus you didn’t handle this well.

It was pretty bad but I get really frustrated by the warmed-over nature of stuff like this and Ghostbusters and What Men Want and so on and so on. I already knew the plot very well and the whole movie is just a paint-by-numbers exercise. I also thought about how incredibly unrealistic the entire scenario is - like,

Thank goodness we have engineered our business/financial system so far out of alignment with reality that this comment is the most accurate of them all.

I agree with you up until the point that the word “socialism” convinces you to vote republican, which is comically ignorant 

That rider is really not that big a deal. Yeah she could probably have her team bring along a halogen heater and bedside lamps, and yeah “new sheets, washed once” is a bit silly, but it’s not like she’s demanding they repaint every hotel suite her favorite shade of blue, or provide a smoothie station or $1,000 worth

This is a really insightful comment and needs more stars. 

I happen to have a handful of friends in the entertainment industry and three of them separately posted on facebook yesterday with messages to the effect of “remember that crazy story I used to tell people/I posted on facebook/I put on my blog about an unnamed celebrity sex pest? That was Max Landis and I can

There are a lot of “realists” who base their strategy on what works with the older generation, because the older generation reliably fucking votes. I am still pretty convinced that turnout in 2020 is only going to bump up against 65%, more or less per usual. Even the 2018 midterm didn’t crack 50%, although it was a

That escalated rather quickly based on your inability to understand source material

Okay so she wasn’t actually forced to cheerlead for her rapist

Before I met my husband, I used to think I could never live with someone, or I would need long breaks, or maybe I don’t ever want to be in a long term relationship, etc etc.”Living together apart” was seriously the only paradigm in my head I could imagine for myself.

I mean, the valedictorian at my high school went to a small Catholic university in a horrible midwestern city and is now a “liturgical coordinator” in the campus ministry at a different small Catholic university, also in an objectively horrible place to live.

Okay, so, “any of these 20 people” is not the same thing as working down to one candidate who will actually get elected. Like, this is a necessary process. I guess you can just sit on your hands and wait until early 2020 to invest in someone specific, but the fact that other people are arguing over who will be the

Since neither of those things have happened, I think the gymnastics are happening in your head at the moment? I’m not seeing anything all that incoherent in Jezebel’s coverage, I just don’t always agree with their takes.

To be fair, Donald Trump’s resume does not just say “reality show personality.” We all know that his businesses are a complete mess but they are pretty large and entangled in several different industries, and he ran them for many years. He also has a degree from an ivy league college. To be more fair, neither of them

I am not trying to argue with you, but I would need some kind of evidence that she was forced to cheerlead for her rapist. She could have disengaged from cheerleading. It wouldn’t be a great choice to have to make, but the school district was probably not holding her at gunpoint.

I do wonder if the nature of his new job changes this calculus. Trump only starts fights he thinks he can win when “fighting” means trading barbs with someone in page six or personally making fun of Rosie O’Donnell, in which case there is no losing. He filed a lot of lawsuits he didn’t win, but he “won” because he

Yeah, I love how these people are like, “she just has good marketing!” And I think, yeah she does, what’s your point?