A. Nonie Meus

Same! Except I was 8.

This is a good point and makes me wonder what would happen if a Canadian white supremacist tried to do something in the US. 

ooooooooh she’s MAD today

Oh cum on. His ego doesn’t need any more stroking. 

I’m pretty sure Sparks thinks Sparks is the hero of this story 

Frankly, it will take the death of a celebrity’s child from something stupid like measles to begin to wrest attention/oxygen away from these idiots.

Yes, if only she was a different person who made different choices based on a different set of values.

I think that, during my teen years, I probably saw every episode of Saturday Night live made between 1975-1992 twice, because comedy central ran them several times a day. I remember how, in the shows from the early 80s, it looked like it was filmed in a literal garage, possibly after a fire.

I guess I understand why someone young wants plastic surgery to fix, say, a problematic nose, or to get breast implants/reduction, etc. But someone under 50 getting a face lift or weird little enhancements? It’s a free country, but that’s a good example of the kind of superficial person lacking in confidence and


My husband has grown very fond of CBD-based ointment that he rubs on whenever his shoulder aches. He has also sort of convinced himself that CBD flower is the best for smoking. The problem is, all these CBD-only products are really expensive and I worry that he is convincing himself that if it costs this much, it must

I understand where you are coming from but none of that changes the fact that parents can literally buy their way in to the competition now, nor does it change the fact that spending tens of hours a week studying for something this esoteric with the sole goal of coming to and ideally winning this specific competition

I would actually believe that some idiot intern/entry level person chose this video without watching the whole thing, or even that they watched it all and didn’t grok how offensive that shit is. The entire payroll of this operation is probably a million bucks a year, or less. I would not be surprised to find out that

Thank god he tried this shit with a man. If he only victimized women, we would probably never have heard about it. 

I also think it’s funny that most people forget the life expectancy number is basically an average of when people have already died. It doesn’t actually mean any specific person is likely or not likely to reach a particular age. I am not even a demographer but underinformed public discussions about this topic irritate

It’s almost as though this is the inevitable endpoint of body dysmorphia. If anything, people will want your weird plastic-surgery-enhanced body even less.

It doesn’t, because the Times does see fit to note that “The top spot for rat sighting complaints has been the Upper West Side” and this very article states, over and over and over again, that rat sighting complaints = evidence of gentrification. So while the article does not state the things you say in the exact

okay thanks for clarifying 

Ehhhh . . . they think they know exactly what they are doing

This is the exact same thing as “there are so many problems in the world, why should any person spend any time at all trying to fix any single one of them.”