A. Nonie Meus

We are talking about two different things. I didn’t say it’s the way to make change in the world. Everyone gets to have their own sense of morals (within reason.) The OP didn’t say basing investments on this or that specific issue is bad - they said basing it on “your morals” is bad. What else are your morals for if

About 10 years ago, when I was in grad school, there was an Aldi right near my house. It may have been one of the first in the US, I dunno. I was poor at the time, so I went there one night with my roommate. I was so dismayed by how shitty the selection was, and how much the store resembled a gigantic automotive

Right. It’s also objectively correct moral advice. All you have to do is decide which you care more about, you own sense of morals or your investment portfolio. 

So this is a little off topic but I knew Natalie Portman VERY slightly in college and I could name three different guys who had constructed whole realities around “going on a few dates with her” or being her “best friend” (for the gay one). I’m sure there were more. It’s not like we didn’t have other celebrities and

My father in law is Mexican American (he grew up in Palmdale) and in law enforcement. He is a psychopath. He fits almost all of the descriptors in your first comment, with just a SLIGHTLY more respectful (but still enthusiastic) relationship with guns. He throws himself around like a fool trying to intimidate people


Someone really should have told her, in like 2012, that her entire public image would eventually be reduced to jade vagina eggs and pussy steamers. It was totally predictable, and I feel a little bad she wasn’t warned.

This is the thing. Some liberal people also seem quite invested in the idea that there is 5-dimensional chess going on, which seems to be what Burneko is arguing against here. But it is not 5-dimensional chess to imagine that Trump does, in fact, want to be impeached, because it will be a fuckload of drama and he is a

By who? MSNBC hosts? As long as Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity stay on his side and decently sized crowds show up to the rallies he continues to have, he won’t care that the “liberal elite” are calling him a coward. 

I’ve seen otherwise reasonable people and critics fall for this and inch closer to the perspective of the alt right and incel types who sabotaged popular perceptions. It’s really a training ground for the political disruption they’ll undoubtedly be doing in 2020, as well.”  

Yeah, this really highlights the depth of the disordered thinking here. You focus all your attention onto this pinprick fact - you are not immediately identifiable as being traditionally physically attractive - and you basically overturn the table and say “well fuck that, I’m also going to develop a horrible

I was just thinking to myself how (relatively) ballsy it is for people working on a Star Trek movie to design a poster that’s just an absolut-ad-style picture of a vineyard. But this . . . this makes more sense. 

Yes! Abandon your most deeply held beliefs because of the practical necessities of our fucked up electoral system! Vote for a guy you vehemently disagree with and see as the embodiment of the biggest problems in your party, because we literally have no other choices! Go America!

Do you have a source on this? I’ve been thinking a lot lately about his idiocy vs his brain-surgeon status, but I haven’t read anything that implies he is not actually a good brain surgeon. 

I can’t verbalize it exactly but I completely disagree with this.

Disagree. Hella rich is like the $25-50m band. Rich as fuck does, in fact, begin right around $50m. 

I have an acquaintance I’m friends with on facebook who is the type of person to post borderline racist Trump memes and stuff about the NRA protecting his freedom etc. He happens to be a huge Bucks fan, and he has been on an absolutely unhinged rant about Drake seemingly for the past 12 straight hours.

I find myself so often having this knee-jerk reaction that either compulsory voting or ranked-choice voting (or both) would almost instantly solve our most intractable political problems, and it’s valuable to get other opinions.

I used to live in SF and I worked around the corner from a well-known restaurant called Jardiniere. I just read an article about the restaurant’s recent closing, after 20+ years of being very pretty popular in the city. I also learned that the restaurant’s owner, Traci Des Jardins, once beat Mario Batali on Top Chef.

If by “time to escape” you mean “the most massive airlift in human history