A. Nonie Meus

You are 100% incorrect

Doesn’t this sort of come down to, “eat when you are hungry and don’t worry about the arbitrary categories we force food into”? 

People are remarkably unwilling or unable to see these arguments through to their logical conclusions. It’s kind of baffling to me. We are all just pretending that this stuff is okay, in the absence of a clear legal or administrative ruling saying otherwise. 

This is literally the line of reasoning behind most employee protections. Of course there will always be people desperate enough to work in horrible conditions for unfair wages, and there will always be business owners happy to take advantage of this. We as a society have decided we don’t want that situation to exist. 

LOL or you could choose to live neither in NYC, nor in a mcmansion in the middle of a corn field.

If you win the rat race, you’re still a rat. Truer words were never spoken. I moved to NYC with a great job in hand and a fresh diploma from a masters-of-the-universe type college, lived in a terrific apartment in a great neighborhood, had lots of friends, etc. I only lasted four years. NYC is a hell hole and the

I felt the need to google “Tornado Thien” and one of the top hits is her YouTube channel. The description, per google, begins “I AM GOD’S MIGHTY BATTLE AXE AND WEAPON OF WAR! I WAS SENT HERE TO ABSOLUTLEY UPROOT AND DESTROY ALL OF YOU IN THE KINGDOM ...”

I read that much of the handwritten wills is illegible, although that may not be right. I imagine that will add another level of havoc to this. 

I saw him in a broadway show almost 15 years ago and I have never forgotten his performance. He was incredibly good. I did not even know he was on this TV show until several years after it had already been airing and I still have not watched a moment of it, but I have to assume his talent and likability are major

This essay is very frustrating because the headline writes a huge check and then we don’t find out until the last paragraph that the account is empty and the author actually has literally no basis to assert that “gay marriage is next.”

I don’t know if this will translate into appreciably higher sales, but if anything there is even MORE interest now in seeing if and how the books and the TV show differ.

As a guy, I am already impressed/scared by childbirth. Reading stuff like this makes me wonder why anyone would ever have a second child after going through such an experience once. There is clearly something deep about motherhood I don’t understand, and I’m . . . okay with that. 

When I was younger, my hair was distinctly auburn and if the light hit it just right, people would remark that there “seemed to be a lot of red in there,” etc.

One of the grossest things actors have to deal with in these situations is the “British accent or nah?” question. The fact that the showrunners would devote serious attention to whether they want certain characters to have specific types of European accents is totally unsurprising yet really disappointing.

That’s a little weird considering it’s a fairly large city that’s rather close to Portland, and not in the mountains or wilderness of any kind

Calling this an amazing shot is wrong for a lot of reasons, not only because the shot was essentially created on a computer and not “captured” in any sense of the word. It’s also a thuddingly obvious image and has no subtlety or point of view. It’s like something a 12 year old would come up with. How cool if we saw

NOW you’re tired of it?

Sometimes I get that “I’m a bad friend” feeling when I don’t return someones call for a long time, or I forget a birthday, etc. Then I remember . . . there are people like this woman in the world . . . and I realize that I am doing okay. 


Many people deal with “legal business” all the time who are not themselves lawyers. But lawyers do this kind of thing too, perhaps just not that many of them.