
Maybe try to take a comedy piece a little less seriously.

This review is long overdue. It is also the expected amount of hilarious (very). I can't stand this movie, which, happens to be the most prominent example of my least favorite film genre(s): Stable Relationships Are Bad/Toxic Passion=True Love/People That Are Easy To Get Along With Are Boring And You Shouldn't Be With

I was all ready to hate on this, Lindy. Dumb or not, I kind of love The Notebook; ever since my husband died very young the idea of growing old and dying next to your beloved, of truly staying together through all the shit that life throws you - yeah, that can make me bawl like nothing else, and I'm pretty protective

Oh yes, The Notebook. Gods I loathe it. Though the rain/post rain sex scene is brutally hot so long as you ignore all context because, well, RYAN GOSLING.

"struck some emotional brown note of sentimentality and hunkiness and forbidden love and manipulative sentimentality"

I saw this movie in the theater with a couple of friends, but I missed probably half of it because I was stricken with stomach cramps about halfway through and needed to flee to the bathroom, where I managed to shoot a Bellagio fountain's worth of shit out of my ass for about 45 minutes straight.

Ugh, this movie. The first time I watched it I just could not believe how trite and ridiculous it was. Maybe I have heart of stone, but DID NOT LIKE. I felt like it was made for 5th graders.

"McAdams makes Goz go to a rich-people dinner so she can introduce him to her dad's mustache."

Not completely relevant but.....

I did not know there was a law on the internet that only one person can do a comic review of a movie. Good to know.

I love that "Just Friends" (the best Ryan Reynolds movie besides "Definitely Maybe", don't even argue with me, stay in your lane) mocks this movie. I feel like there's some Goz/Reynolds beef. Or, at least, I totally want there to be, and I want it to come to blows in a sexy beer-commercial "and tweeeins" way.

This movie has given widespread false hope that the one that got away is still writing you letters every day and refurbishing that old house and building you a painting room but the forces are keeping him away.

I HAAAATED this movie so much. I really hate the whole depiction of love as "if you ever love someone and they reject you, the romantic thing to do is to become a recluse and stew in your rejection for years." That's a healthy message to impose on young women - if you're rejected, your life is basically over! And if a

"Then Gosling and McAdams get in one last fight, because this movie needed to be longer, and he tells her that she's "a pain in the ass 99% of the time." That means that he loves her approximately three and a half days per year. The rest of the time she makes him feel like a spear or dagger is literally stabbing him

I don't remember any of these plot points. I just remember what I always remember about Gosling movies: "Ryan Gosling looked at a woman in that 'Ryan Gosling looking at a woman' way that Ryan Gosling has of looking at a woman."

I hated this movie. I could see how the premise, plot and ending would play out within a few minutes of starting the movie - and no, I never read the book because Nicholas Sparks books are to literature what Thomas Kincade is to "art". I've been beaten up verbally and nearly physically by one over the top Gosling

I remember watching this and when the "ball bag" it happened I thought she meant a bowling bag and asked why we'd never seen her bowling if she suddenly needed a personal bag for a personal bowling ball.

I have never seen this movie, but this review made me laugh out loud at work. Thank goodness I'm the only one here.

"I was confused at first, but later found out that "ball bag" was 1940s southern slang for nut sack."

Lindy, do we share the same dislike for rom-coms that are beloved by everyone else? I hated this and "Love, Actually." Also, this is the funniest movie review. I lost it by the time I got to "I live in your mom. I'll never forget the first time I "lived" in your mom."