
Same here, I’m a long time hard core Apple Fan boy and I also find myself lusting for the Surface Studio. The new 2016 Macbook Pro which we purchased several has been a kick to the teeth. Shittier power cord, louder keyboard, gimmicky OLED lights, loss of useful ports and now I need more dongles. Screw Apple!

Musk is the visionary guy Apple needs. That said, some of the missteps are Ives owned.

Would be cool for Apple to buy Tesla and let Musk become CEO of the combined companies and moving Tim Cook to Chairman and President role. While they are at it they should buy Spotify and then work to integrate it all.

I’m a long time Apple fan boy. I own an ad agency with a ton of Macbook Pro’s and iMacs. I can tell you I’m utterly pissed off at Apple for letting their machines languish. We just refreshed our laptops with the new Macbook Pro and the process was painful. Long wait and with new hires we had to use ancient machines as