If only Gizmodo’s top recommended laptop didn’t have a webcam beneath the screen to minimize the bezel...
Damn you, my brain, and your loyalty to the cult of Gizmodo.
If only Gizmodo’s top recommended laptop didn’t have a webcam beneath the screen to minimize the bezel...
Damn you, my brain, and your loyalty to the cult of Gizmodo.
Some people buy for bullshit nebulous concepts like “heritage”. I can’t fathom any other reason someone buys a Harley.
I mean, really? I know TheInventory is for the D-listers of GizmodoMedia, but Charles Pulliam-Moore did an article on Scarlet Witch’s costumes. Ya’ll should know better. She first appeared in Uncanny X-Men #4, Dark Phoenix was #101.
I mean, really? I know TheInventory is for the D-listers of GizmodoMedia, but Charles Pulliam-Moore did an article…
So you used a 73/27 blend... why not use a 90/10 blend then to minimize the grease?
You know, a free country used to mean that a man could set out in life on the vocation of his choosing, rather than being stuck with his lot in life from birth. Now, I guess it's used as justification for rampant consumerism. Just a thought.
Someone’s never cleaned a toilet in Europe...
it’s a toilet bowl cleaner with an angled neck that was/is popular in Europe. The “duck” name comes from the angled neck of the bottle.
I hate that. I’ve even done the math on “recommended tips” for places that foreigners visit frequently (live in a tourist trap) and found the math to be off.”15%” was 18, “17%” was 22 and 20% was 27.
Honestly, in situations like that you need to speak with the management. That’s absurd.
Wow. I’ve been a waiter. #1 is wierd but case #2 is astonishing. I would have asked to see the manager and if not available, I would have walked.
HA! After her wandering off, I would have given her 15 minutes then gotten up to find the manager.
You’re fine. 10% is generous there.
yeah, but I also prefer that they don’t ask immediately after the food has been put down. Honestly, I feel that it is more common for a runner to put the food down and the waitstaff to come up and ask before anyone has had a chance to taste it.
Pros: Gives waitstaff a chance to fix something before it sits too long,…
Nope. That’s a knife to the throat of the Republican party. He’s saying “If I go down Pence does too, so Pelosi gets the White House - your move.” It’s exactly as thuggish as I’d expect a NY real-estate developer to be.
Except the CCP has AI to monitor and rate social credit, and the PRC after 30 years of state-sponsored industry and trade is continuing a growing international influencer and exporting its authoritarian control instead (see 5G Huawei infrastructure plans).
They aren’t the Soviets. They are a lot more savvy. They let…
Commercially packaged cold brew is to cold brew what Brisk is to tea. :-(
What is so different now?
Well, the prospect of being a footman or a lady’s maid was a good thing - a life of employment for a life of servitude from sun-up to beyond sun-down - so 14-16 hours, seven days a week, of existing solely to meet someone else’s whims.
As I sit clacking away at my keyboard in an…
Lots of comedians, including Pete Holmes, have made a similar joke
“Isn't it extraordinary how many Cleopatras must have lived for this many people to have been her in their past lives?”
Yup. A while back I ran the napkin-math on speeding. Unless I’m traveling > 2 hours, I don’t make up an appreciable difference in time. So now, I don’t. The difference between being 5 minutes late and 8 minutes late is not worth the risk (of ticket, of accident, etc) or the emotional state it puts me in.
I wish I could somehow teach the slightest bit of consideration to those who do it when in nature. JESUS CHRIST, I LEFT THE CITY TO ACTUALLY BE HERE. I DON’T WANT TO HEAR YOUR TECHNO/REGGAE/RAP NONSENSE INSTEAD OF BIRDS AND WIND AND TREES.
Wow. Wendy’s fries suck and I wouldn’t consider Five Guys to be a competitor. I consider the lack or presence of drive-thru services to be a defining feature in tranching the purveyors of industrialized meat and potatoes.
In all fairness, the business model of all Gawker Gizmodo-based sites is commercialized, weaponized psychopathy - this could be a covert cry for help... Oh wait (checks back articles). NOPE!