In all fairness, the business model of all Gawker Gizmodo-based sites is commercialized, weaponized psychopathy - this could be a covert cry for help... Oh wait (checks back articles). NOPE!
In all fairness, the business model of all Gawker Gizmodo-based sites is commercialized, weaponized psychopathy - this could be a covert cry for help... Oh wait (checks back articles). NOPE!
In all fairness, the business model of all Gawker Gizmodo-based sites is commercialized, weaponized psychopathy - this could be a covert cry for help... Oh wait (checks back articles). NOPE!
I remember the glib phrase of my deployment
We’re at war. America’s at the mall.
And the politicos like it that way.
(I think it was captured in Generation Kill as well)
Thank you. That was the exact question I had AND if Maria Sherman wasn’t phoning it in, she would have answered it in the article. But even Jezebel has fallen before the malaise of the Gawker Gizmodo Media Group empire.
But that’s “based on experience”. That’s some bullshit.
What you are missing is that Donald Trump doesn’t care about the longevity of institutions, social safety nets, or government debt. You assume some level of empathy, for the future generations or for the less well off, where there clearly is none.
Wow. I’m glad you aren’t a financial analyst. “what could be the biggest recession/depression this country has ever seen.”
We simply don’t have the kind of structural instability present in the system that we did in pre-2008. And we certainly don’t have the kind of the 1920s.
What’s driving the dire predictions?
I’ve worked for various government agencies. I learned that “the most common offenders with government-mandated standards for protection of workers rights are government agencies.” It isn’t my statement, but that of a group assigned with protecting the rights of specific employees.
Honest question(s) - how do you deal with that? Why not get out of that career path? Or why stay?
FRONTLINE? They did in depth reporting on Candidate Trump. It’s been well documented for decades that he doesn’t drink. Dementia is more likely the culprit.
Respectfully, no. We don’t “have to apply across the board”. Adults can make value judgements. And shouldn’t “redemption” is about motive as much as action?
Did Sarah do something wrong? Yes.
Does she now know it was wrong? Yes.
Did she do it with intent of hurting someone? No.
Did she do it with intent of helping…
You should do this with statistics and analysis. It’s been years since I’ve used what was taught in my college classes so the knowledge is atrophied. And it is probably more useful than basic calculus.
Mostly because it’s wrong, mate! See my other comment on this thread.
::Sigh:: As an ex-bartender of Scottish descent, I’m getting really sick of that myth.
1. Jameson was a protestant, living in what is now Catholic Ireland.
Thank you for writing this. This is exactly the kind of evidence that I believe a rational person would ask for. It is the sole standout comment in this entire thread of pedantry and vile. (Edit: beastiarius-gladiator linking to snopes also counts).
It is unfortunate that the links don’t work for me where I am, for I…
The battery crapped out at 65k miles???
Also - I’m confused. You’re selling your car at 98.5k but it’s at only 65k miles now? (That’s some specific future planning.) So the transferrable battery warranty will have ~60k left on it?
In fairness, you don’t hate him just because of the skin color. Otherwise, that’d be a whole different set of issues so massive you’d have to open your own library.
Sounds like Season 2 of Legends when Vixen really only did Gorilla-strength to minimize the CG or they couldn’t afford frequent Steel transformations.
They made it through it.
I’ll tolerate a lot of cost-cutting for fun or interesting writing.
Yeah.... the big problem came when X-Men became the most popular comic (because of exactly what you are describing) which made the suits think “IT MUST HAVE BIGGER STAKES, BUT BE GROUNDED AT THE SAME TIME”.
Claremont’s X-Men starting with the all-new “international” team was amazing for exactly what you are…
Because denying yourself simple pleasures due to arbitrary criteria is soooo cool. Dude, no need to yuck other people’s yum. If a fancy-schmancy hotel like Le Pavillion in New Orleans can embrace the humble PB&J, can’t we all???
As a person who has bought and sold several condos as “my home” in multiple HCOL areas... ha. ha ha ha. ha ha ha ha ha ha. Realtors suck.