
I’m kind of worried about the bi-polar swing. So we had Clinton (moderate), W (more hard lined), Obama (more hard lined), Trump (Cuckoo). It seems like a we’re in some sort of positive feedback sinusoidal oscillation. I believe Trump was elected on the wave of outrage for electing Obama coupled with a double-shot of ou

I first recognized JK Simmons as JJ Jameson, but I later realized I knew him from The Adventures of Pete & Pete. Even more so, I realized that the ‘92 Broadway cast recording of Guys and Dolls, which I played quite a bit as a ‘90s theater kid, has JK as Benny. I played it on a whim about a month ago and came to a dead

Apparently someone named Brendan missed the part of the story where the documents stolen off by “Russia hackers” from the home computer of the NSA employee. (Granted, the article says that the documents shouldn’t have been taken home). But I’m pretty sure that Kaspersky wasn’t discretely targeting NSA employees which

Yes (though the bolded statement was made bold after my comment), and I’m saying my brain still can’t comprehend it.

It’s called procrastination. Not everyone is good at doing what they need to do when they need to do it.

I’ve definitely reached the point in my life where I’d rather have a drink on my own lanai looking at a sunset from my own bottle of nice whiskey than pay out the ass to be jostled and strain to hear the people I’m really there to see.
Wait... am I 38 or 83...

My brain still can’t wrap itself around the concept of putting more things into a finite space to save space. Luckily, my ex-flight attendant wife taught me how to pack like a legitimate professional, which (I believe) makes these unnecessary.

Yeah, but if Netflix just announced, that sucks more. That kind of news deserves at least a month lead up, not a week.

You are enlightened and progressive. I wish everyone was as willing to be so honest. All this talk of STIs makes me glad I missed the “hook-up” culture and found my long-term partner without either of us having chronic infections.
Curious - how has the general reaction been to this attitude? Have you encountered

And no one else will ever see it.

OH! This is the author of Remains of the Day. I’m buying it, regardless. Thank you for your comment which made me consider this. I would have completely overlooked it.

Huh. Curious: What other books are among your favorites? I’m looking for my next binge read and trying to see if our tastes align. Thanks.

aimed at people who are trashing working equipment because it’s not the new shiny

1. Apple reports 16 M sets were sold in 2017 and 28 M sets were sold in 2018. (44M not including this year). Only prior year airpods are being discarded.
2. 10% are non-functional and have been thrown away. (4.4M)

I thought synthetic cork was worse than actual.

I thought synthetic cork was worse than actual.

I could watch Sarah Shahi wash a dog and it wouldn’t be wasted time...

What Adam said, but also - I live in a concrete condo in a population dense urban building. Concrete is a relatively effective wifi blocker, but when I scan for wifi I still see a lot of neighbors. My (works from home, non-techie) wife decided to make the bedroom furthest from the living room her office (it really was

I’d go the opposite and cook sous vide... so low effort you’d think RonCo would have sue.

No. Shick just paid both of them. If I was a betting man, I’d wager that Shick even paid to have the face get a really good shave beforehand so the had is just removing shaving cream with the Shick. #advertising

HEY! I need to learn from you. Been on O’ahu 8 years. I’m always keen to learn more from the smart people who know how to live on the islands.
Back to the mattress
How’s the support? My wife is small (5'1" 110-120 lbs) I am dense-to-fat (5'8" 185-205 lbs with a 36-to-38 in waist). My experience with memory foam

HEY! I need to learn from you. Been on O’ahu 8 years. I’m always keen to learn more from the smart people who know