
See. I don’t actual “think”. I learned long ago to try to not operate on gut feels and assumptions because it is easy to be misled.

Dude. Military (reserve) officer here. We get training on SA every year. I’ve seen the stats. We do not “throw out” 1/5th for false in the Navy. Where are you getting those stats? Because the Washington Examiner is only slightly less biased than HuffPo. 

Honest question. Do women not “feel safer” or are they actually in more danger? Do we have the stats on late night crime committed against women v men using public transportation services? Surely something can be extrapolated here. 

Sometimes Kinja article recommendations in the side-bar are not current and I miss it when reading. Sorry. Thanks!

Not me. But damn I wish I had.

Been there. I know this is going to sound like advice no one wants, but the biggest game-changer for me financially was joining the military reserves. I think you can do it up to 37. I’d only do it if you can be an officer, but one mobilization allowed me to save 1.5x my yearly salary. I went from where you were/are

I’m 37 and 55% of my income goes towards my mortgage, I’d actually have a better quality of life in retirement when it is paid off even if I’m only getting 85% of my pre-retirement income.

Definitely had a more enjoyable life in my 20s than I do in my 30s, but that has mostly to do with ditching that fancy free lifestyle in a low-cost-of-living-city for a mortgage and a family in a high-cost-of-living-city while all of my friends did the same. Also - prices are ridiculous. A Peter-panning-friend sent me

I’m consistently amazed at how different my opinion is from the current Gawk-modo staff and readership.
1. The food at the buffet is perishable and won’t be carried over to tomorrow therefore take what you can without inconveniencing the other guests. When I road-trip for work in remote locations where there are no

“you owe me for dealing with being First Lady of this awful nation, which elected a hateful can of cheez whiz after you... that only ran because you couldn’t pass up an opportunity to dunk on him at the Press Corps dinner, damning us all.
Don’t believe me?

As a person who worked hard, went to a good college, found a stable 7-to-5 job in a field that fills real needs and sometimes produces actual results at my job, the idea that anyone deserves to be paid for social media product promotion makes me sick...

That’s a strange logic turn there...

“Phone, keys, money, honey <grabs SO’s crotch>

Can you please ask the tech staff to add a 2x speed like Youtube?
I’ve spent a few months away in Spanish-speaking countries and tolerating re-adjusting to the slow speech pattern of Americans has been ... difficult.
And I grew up in New England, where we talk fast anyway.

Why would someone want to roast this whole instead of cutting it into florets? It seems to me like it would have the benefit of a shorter cooking time and more surface area for Maillard reaction? For appearance? I guess this is the vegan spatchcock vs whole debate.

I just did a performance review some of my team members this week and told them just about the exact same thing.
One man (at 12 years in our field) was a little upset that I wasn’t recommending him for promotion and actually said “I’ve done everything that was asked of me.”
I know told him before “I don’t want you to

As with all things, context is king. A reasonable person is decided by actions, not desires.
If you’re taking your little miscreant who can’t stop screaming to a Friendly’s, fair play. If your well behaved child is at a $100+ a plate Morimoto restaurant, that’s fine too. If your child is reasonably acting like a

Or mixing with Coke... either -aine or -cola.

HA! You are talking exactly about my former boss. I worked at a remote location for a small, family owned but successful company. Our President and our CEO (father + daughter) took us to Morimoto’s restaurant once; him + Japanese wife and nine year old daughter, me + my wife.
He ordered the $140 per person, 9 course,

This was better than the article. Thanks for writing this.
I’ve debated #3 and #5 with “HR Professionals” many, many times. I think that the phrase “Responsible for” should be verbotten in resumes.