
Recruiter for what field/industry?

PIZZA DELIVERY???? HA-ha-ha-ha-ha=ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha=ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha

It felt like Hillary was trying her own version of a dog whistle to me.
I’d probably have just made a joke about how the staff must have fumbled on that research. It highlights the lack of knowledge by Swisher without bringing race into the equation. People can make their own judgements about Swisher without being led

That’s fantastic advice. Thank you!
I think people always forget that quality trumps quantity or formatting. That isn’t to say most people can get away with shitty quantity or formatting though.

I’ve never heard that phrase. I like that phrase.

With your two knives?

That is a lot of “non-communication”. There’s no real quantifiable results. No “so what”? No answering the question “what did you do (that’s better) in this role that someone else in the equivalent position wouldn’t have?”
I’m no headhunter. But I’ve sat through training with Orion, Lucas Group, Bradley-Morris, gone

Good point. I guess he expected enough new achievements each year to warrant it. I’ve been doing the “same job” for seven years but I’ve definitely found new things to do and made the old mission redundant. If I wasn’t continuously improving my job, I’d lose my mind.

“Write what you know” is the most misunderstood piece of writing advice. You think Stephen King wrote what he knew? Ray Bradbury? Ursula Le Guin? Patrick O’Brian? Do you think Hilary Mantel experienced english court life?
Dude - it is about using your experiences - what you’ve witnessed, what you’ve heard, what

I might have to dispute the statement over resume length, but I’d love to hear other people’s opinion. I think what you are saying is good for people at the beginning to middle of their career, or if they haven’t been in a management position.

But what do you do when HR is the source of the problem?

Damn. Ya’ll have sherlock levels of sluthiness and judginess. What’s the Anchorman? I’m not even mad, I’m impressed. I glossed right over that shit.

The lovely thing about Amazon is that they literally don’t give a shit about your reasoning. Im not a serial returner, but Ive definitely returned things for less than Hey, I think the author is probably a douche.” Also - don’t give a shit about cavier. Just think this was an article that epitomizes the fall of

Yeah. I bought Drews book on Kindle- didn’t realize it was this guy . Havent read it. This post is making me consider asking them for a refund.

As a 5'7" man, just have your spouse work out. My ex was 5'11". We were together 5 years. One of the reasons I think we were together that long is because I could literally throw her from across the bedroom onto the bed when I desired her enough.

+1 for Bahrain. It is a shame that Ive never seen more litter in one country, but the people are friendly and it is relatively safe. Pay tends to be good too.

Most. But not all.
Source: I am from redneck Vermont family and lived in Wyoming.

Probably because he didnt want to give his money to such a dealer with such poor service... lord knows theres enough of them to not be limited to just the one.

I guess they have to provide a reason for someone to buy a Subaru. Lord knows quality isn’t it.

I travel to Alaska for work. Done a -20F January there once. The cold made it feel like my soul was being sucked out of my body via my steering wheel. If I ever live someplace that cold, I will buy a car with a heated steering wheel.