
I tend to buy used Toyota/Honda now that Ive successfully repressed my Camaro-desirin redneck genes.

You say that, but my experiences with Hyundai have been that they are POS, including a friend’s 2011 Sonata with the infamous Alabama engine - which they originally told him he would have to foot the bill to replace when it burned down at 122,000 miles.
I may be working off ignorance, but I’ve been told the same thing

Peos law?

Martin Shkreli, right? By 35 years old, he has a net worth of $27M (as of March 2018) while serving 7 years in prison. As a 37 year old man, if someone told me I’d only have to serve 7 years to get $27M, I’d probably do it.

Brunello Di Montalchino. He says that like the college student who just got back from study abroad in Bar-tthhhhhh-lona.

Now playing

Id just go nuts if the Rock did a video with the 58 Disney Paul Bunyan song. But until that dream emerges, we’ll have to settle for this. 

Is it just me or has the flavor of these cookies changed since the 90s. I used to eat a lot of chewy chips ahoy cookies as a child/teen for an after school snack. Every time Ive bought them since 10,  something tastes off.

As a white man who stumbles onto this site occassionally thanks to Gawkmodo linking, I would watch the hell out of the Rock as Paul Bunyan just to see him wrestle a big blue ox. That would be perfect.
I also loved the John Henry story as a child - but agree Dwayne Johnson is probably not the right man to play the part.

Thanks for the recommendation of Sondors. I’ve been biking to work 4 days a week for the last year on a third-hand beater bicycle but really enjoying it, especially due to my belief in reducing my carbon footprint. Due to traffic in my home town, I can usually beat my time by car by taking the bike the 3.6 miles

What is this mixer for cold brew you speak of? Am I the only one who drinks it straight? 

I thought society collectively agreed not to mention her again. We don’t want to accidentally give her any ideas of relevancy.

A) Blink is too good. If I introduce someone with that, they won’t be able to handle the lows of the Slitheen-episodes and dreck likeThe Rings of Akhaten”, which I didn’t enjoy because:
B) it was a prime example of shouty and “tell, don’t show which is exactly how “The Eleventh Hour” concluded. Eleven telling

I cant start people with Blink. It sets the bar too high. I try withDalek”.

I cannot fathom how someone wouldn’t choose “Silence In The Library/Forest of the Dead” as the 10th’s essential story.
There’s timey-wimey loops. There’s an intriguing parallel plotline. There’s multiple mysteries. There’s good jokes (it doesn’t work on wood). There’s an omnipresent and truely creepy yet goofy villian

Smells. Sometimes it is not pleasant.

If you are the kind of person for whom a few hour flight almost spoiled a whole trip because of a few keyboard clicks and non-reclining seats... sweet jebus, you are a snowflake. Ive had to fly in the back of the bus a few times (the smell does suck), and now prefer the front as I have status... but still.

Promoting amoral behavior and connected to Russians? Man, you really are embracing that Decepticon motif.

CLA and A-class have too much look at me” so people who won’t maintain cars buy them. I thoroughly enjoyed the B-class ten years ago for the exact reasons you mentioned. Its appearance had too much character for it to be purchased by people who wants status symbols. Is the B-class still a thing? Or did Daimler kill

You’re still talking about a Mercedes there. Either you’re driving the S-class* or you are a plebe.**
* The car Daimler AG markets as the car every other car looks up to.
**writes the Toyota driver.

$22 for a six pack???