
True story-I may have some facts wrong, but it can be googled.
The very openly gay Scott Thompson tried to check into a high end hotel here in Vegas.
He was told 'no ' a few times, then, after asking what the problem was, he was presented with a bill for a trashed room,
Escorts(female), etc.
it turns out the ACTUAL

I feel like such a pig, because I'm a Lib, but would agree with anything just to get Coulter's dress off.
(Hangs head in shame)

Lol, I know, right? He seems more likable and normal away from Cheney and handlers. People who have met him since he has retired say he is actually really nice.
I think you nailed it as 'puppet'.
I don't think, and I'm not trying to be mean, that he is smart enough to really do a lot if the malicious stuff people

Or, maybe while doing a science research paper, he gets bitten by a radioactive spider and….

I actually heard it was between Craig, Patton Oswalt(His schedule may be too prohibitive), and Marc Maron…who is due for an interview show eventually.
We'll see, I guess.

I love Wilmore, but 'Fuck You ' is not an acceptable answer to a real problem.
Sorry, you can't be chanting 'Black Lives Matter ' and yet never look at the rate of Black on Black murder.
Every life matters, and all forms if violence are intolerable. No cherry picking.

I don't disagree with that assertion at all, but if say, Hardwick, can host…how many shows?, then Oliver could have handled two.

Yep. Welcome to TV.

Well, he's wide eyed and claims its his favorite thing ever.

Oh, I know…and I have one big complaint….not enough of the show. I would be happier watching John every night. As a comedian, I am envious…he ALWAYS kills. He is brilliant.

I have worked with Mike. Great comedian, class act. I've heard good things about the other 2. Larry Wilmore was a main voice behind The Daily Show….a great guy, phenomenal writer.
This will be a winner.
I have to admit to wishing John Oliver had gotten this gig.
My ideal line up:
The Daily Show
The Nightly Show