
Direct answer to your question:

GoPhone now offers LTE. $60 for unlimited min, unlimited text and 2GB of data. Add additional data at $10/GB.

I just can't find that starting point. I get frustrated with how difficult exercise is for me to do. Whether it's the physical aspect or the time management, something makes me quit after only one or two attempts. I am pretty sure that I'm setting myself up for failure by setting huge overall goals and forgetting

I started with math. Where was I eating the most calories? If it was supper, I'd start by reducing just that meal. It turned out to be sugary drinks. I switched completely to unsweetened teas, diet sodas, and water. No fruit juices, milkshakes, or high calorie drinks. Milk is the only exception and then I only

Amen! I read for entertainment/enjoyment. If I'm partway through a book and I'm not looking forward to picking it up, that tells me I need to move on. I'd much rather spend the time it would take to finish that book on something else that I may enjoy, than on something I know I'm NOT enjoying.

My secret was getting a kindle. I have re read all of the Foundation series, All of douglas adam's books, and have re started reading the Ender series once again because of it.

I totally disagree. If that were true, then Aerospace Engineers or Chemical Engineers are not engineers because they (often) don't need to get a PE to do their work. It also would exclude anyone with the EiT designation who is training to become an engineer from having "engineer" in their title.

A Little slow...

Er, why not just pay down the CC debt?

Is it that difficult to set up a savings account linked to your checking? Auto deposit X a month and go on with your life.

Genuinely useful tips.Thanks Whitson!

I'm using voice actions more and more. I just figured out how to consistently open up apps and a hack to open up book marks.

One of my favorites (that goes along with Reminders) is the location based ones. Like "remind me to get batteries at Target" and the next time you're at Target, the reminder will sound. I use this all the time since I pass a grocery store on the way home. I use things like "Remind me to get milk at Giant" and the

Thanks a ton for checking us out guys (i'm on the PhoneRocket team)! We're just a small group of guys with a big dream... trying to build an easier way to show how different phones stack up by bringing performance benchmarks., specs, and reviews into one place from all over. We just launched this week so we're totally

I used to use Sure Unscented but I found that unscented gels leave less of a stain in my shirt arm pits. Either way, like you I use unscented antiperspirants to avoid being overly fragrant. In fact I can hardly stand the scents that come from any bath product, especially from soaps.

lol, you are 100% right xD, the title should be changed to: "How I Cut My Spending in Half to Take a Job I Loved (and still eating my expensive cheese)"

I think you missed the point of the article. She didn't stop eating the expensive cheese.

I'm bookmarking this article, just so I can watch the backlash.