
No. He is absolutely, utterly, demonstrably wrong. Completely.

Stupid is the key word for your financial advice.

Better approach that only applies to people like Alan that live in DC.

I've found it hard to get someone to pay me to pet cats, knit, and watch Stargate on Amazon Prime all day.

But really the best feature of paste special...PASTE VALUES! =)

So really, you only work 37-40 hours a week.

40-49 is pretty damned broad considering a "full time" job is typically a 40 hour week. Probably should've had a breakdown 40-44, 45-49... that'd be a lot more meaningful to the bulk of the working world.

If you absolutely have no choice but to use an FM transmitter you can go some way towards improving the listening experience by removing the car antenna to reduce interference from the stations trying to use your chosen frequency. Install TuneIn on your phone to replace the stations you can no longer receive.

If you have kids I guarantee you some movies will be viewed more than 10 times.

I have to agree with some commenters - credit cards are a tool with some great benefits if used correctly. For those who can't spend responsibly on their credit cards, it ends up being a bad tool. For those who can, the benefits can be huge. Don't blame credit cards.

Mythbusters did a show on this and in the end proved that if you're driving a car, this is not much of a savings at all. For large delivery trucks that move slower and are much heavier, it ended up being a noticeable difference. In the end though, it wasn't practical or sufficiently better economically for the