
Oh man, no kidding! The whole point was that HE was a mass-murdering monster.

Well, the important part was that he was supposed to realize that these “monsters” he was hunting were sentient beings that were on their way to forming a new, if primitive civilization, and that he had turned himself into something of a bogeyman legend for the burgeoning society...

Oh god I am Legend... the new ending not only changed the source material drastically, it completely negates the actual point of the name of the goddamn story.

I’ve always been pissed as to how BBC randomly does illegal shit all the time. Like in all those top gear episodes they used the mass effect 3 theme music. I doubt they took permission or paid EA or the music composer for that.

Microwave radiation is not ionizing. Hence, no cancer ward. Burn ward, maybe.

Meanwhile people in a 1/4 mile radius are wondering why their wifi stopped working. 1000 watt jammer.

Now playing

Impressive clip, but the artillery is what got my attention. Looking into it appears they are in the middle of war-torn Luhansk doing these videos.