
That’s not true. Don Mattrick was shit-canned at both M$ and Zynga for poor performance. Same thing with Alex Garden. They just don’t call it that. Executives don’t get “fired.” The “look for other opportunities” and have a golden parachute.

I mean, they can. I blame the Unity store for all of my problems.


Sick. Now when I report people for it, I can feel 100% justified.

What about people already in the gaming industry? Is it a conflict of interest to offer insights that will automatically seem biased?

Not entirely accurate. Showing that your game has growth potential and solid EBITDA in a corp that houses multiple studios can cause execs to increase your budget for more offerings. However, the studio has to decide how that budget will be allocated. They may use it all for more revenue generating features, they may

This is why Kaplan needs to stop talking to the press. Go through your PR people, Kap.

Doesn’t it seem more likely that Blizzard just stormed cheater forums with fake or even real accounts merely SAYING that they were banned in order to prevent others from doing it?


You were catching them too fast. They realized people would be disengaged by December when the next generation is slated to release.

In other news, 10 foot pole sales increased drastically in after hours trading. Investment consultants are saying that the desire to touch things with them has been scarce, but it is growing every day. Here is a reenactment of what that might look like:

In it, Kratos has a precious new family member (his beard) and also a son.

Where’s the [Opinion] tag?

Or, ya know, China’s investors are pulling out and he’s being paid to try to get people to put money back in for reasons of nationalism.

Not all those who “wander” are lost.

I’ll fight you, punk. Come here, punk!

Now playing

This is the only angry birds movie that we need.

I’ve heard Overwatch described by my friends as “just a competent shooter with a lot of polish, nothing amazing.”

It is kinda crappy that the price point on console is $60 just to keep in line with other title costs, with or without the promise of free content in the future. I will say, however, that the $40 price point on PC is much friendlier and that this, unfortunately, feels like a PC title shoehorned into a console release.

It goes without saying, but my two cents: