Thank you for writing these interviews out again, rather than just using video.
Thank you for writing these interviews out again, rather than just using video.
This is news?? National Pancake Day (February 25) came and went with nary a word here on The Takeout. I’m not one to cry about food, but this really made me sad.
Rough equivalent of this is steamed fish - ginger, soy sauce, sesame oil, black mushrooms, etc etc etc - oh! and fish - in large platter, steam til done (actually quite fast) top with julienned spring onions and pour some very hot oil over them, serve.
Yeah, no.
Foam rolling is just another form of massage. If you do it with accepted techniques in mind you’ll do wonders to stop a clicking joint or relieve tendinosis pain from trigger points etc
My first couple of batches were just really good, buttery rolls - but they do get easier. Land O’Lakes has a great recipe online that I use that calls for the butter layer to be mixed with flour (three sticks and 1/3 C) and I also modify the liquid ingredients by blending them all (water, sugar, salt, milk - I use…
Dirt Every Day test drove one for an episode... it tops out at around 35mph due to the gearing and the extra weight.
PB CRISPS!!!! yes!
Planters PB Crisps FTW!!!!!!!!