
John Oliver is effectively proving that The Daily Show concept can be improved without being Colbert. On top of that he's doing solid work as a reporter.

I can dig it, QUILTBAG is now a thing.

This post makes me believe that you are pretty cool. That's all.

It is true, expose and move on. Unlike Fox which refuses to move on from anything they don't like regardless of whether or not they found nothing of worBENGAZI!!!

What type of reporter is Padmini Prakash? And what network?

My mother and I have only really recently begun talking as adults (I'm 24 as of 2014) and we hit an interesting point in the conversation.

It doesn't matter what she says. The large number of people who despise her hate what she stands for, treating games with a critical eye outside of consumer reviews. They want their games they love to be free from any sort of judgement besides hours of gamplay, mechanics and graphical specs.

Beyonce is ending the world as we know it? Shit, we built a tower to the heavens allright, a JENGA tower... glad to see it go I guess if that's the case.

All HAIL Caesar Adultosaurum Imperatrix, long may she reign!

All hail, Adultosaur? Clever name, but you may need some something more latin-y to be Caesar. But my vote is there anyhoo...

You haven't "payed" for anything. You don't own tax money, you have never owned tax money. You OWE the government and they charge you for your citizenship and all the benefits that it comes with.

No joke on an airplane right now and after reading that I woke up my seat neighbors with a long "daaaaaam." I think I'm in love, or at least her number one fan now...

This made my day, I've been posting it everywhere <3 thank you <3

Oh yeah definitely, I actually really like their webpage design and they had some quite nice articles on trans issues, which to me are personally important.

It's just another example of people being jerks despite having similarities. From my experience the best way to fight is to stay vocal and supportive of those being shunned.

Sigh... voting against human rights is a conscience vote?

It's one the many positive ways you can help without jumping into the fray, it's almost a duty now, but I really do support this as the best way to let people know we have their back.

Be still my beating heart...

I'm just glad an ape and a BMW can bond over Batman. Now that's outrageous.

I walked in once to watch it with my brothers/sister and I saw Batman chasing a 20's styled old woman gangster called Mother Murder, good thing Batman got help from a rough rider looking ghost who was haunting an old school looking tank, then they jumped a bridge as it was raising and played The General Lee's horn.