I’ll tell you when I’ve had enough!
I’ll tell you when I’ve had enough!
I don’t have a problem gate checking a bag because I know it’s on my flight and I will get it back without a visit to the baggage carousel. After two consecutive flights where my counter checked bag went to a nicer locale than I did, I always carry a smaller carry-on.
Question, would I be a monster if I got this and chopped it down to fit my keyboard/mouse tray?
Question, would I be a monster if I got this and chopped it down to fit my keyboard/mouse tray?
I’d say Javier is Lawful Neutral
Capcom has no choice but to shut these folks down, or they risk losing their copyright claim over both the game and the franchise because they failed to adequately protect their property.
No, they do not, trademarks are at risk if a company does not protect them, copyright is not at all. So if Capcom has no intention of localizing these games, people have every right to be upset with them taking down the only efforts to translate them, years after they are relevant to the home market’s sales no less.
Reading articles about what taking selfies says about you as a person, though, that makes you a narcissist.
The 4th film is supposedly the final one, so no that doesn’t seem to be the plan. Plus the 4th film isn’t actually titled 4.44, it’s currently known as 3.0+1.0.
It’s funny that gawker slams every typo trump makes on twitter but seems to also be contractually bound to disable spell check and forego any proof-reading before pressing the publish button.
I live in MA and got my PreCheck 3 years ago and then GlobalEntry 2 years ago (we decided to go overseas). The background checks on both very very quick - I want to say all of our GE numbers came in at the end of the interview. The cards came a few days later.
Meanwhile, in some states like Misery, our DL’s aren’t even valid outside the state as ID or operator’s license, anymore. >_>
A picture is worth a thousand words.
I’m guessing because the target market for this stuff wants to do this:
Meanwhile at my job I struggle to hit 7000 steps a day (even walking to and from work)
Have fun not playing a game you’d otherwise enjoy because its devs don’t want it associated with a racist.
Hey. Fuck you too.
I would like to remind everyone that this is not censorship and that Playtonic as a private business has the right to express itself as they see fit. If they do not wish to include voice work by a controversial figure in their video game that is well within their right. Jon’s free speech was not violated in any way…
Cover is a bronco rearing at sunset in the foreground while a semitransparent picture of Jason’s face in complete ecstasy is in the background.
Is that the scent Tina Belcher wears?