
Ah the classic internet response: “I can’t argue with this person’s actual point, let me insult them.”

I looked through your comment history and at everything everything on that first page is an insult. Idk if there’s anything in your life that gives you joy but it sure as shit isn’t the things you comment on.

Nope, read it again. I take special care at multiple points to respect that persons opinion and the opinion of people who have different priorities in what they want in a gaming experience. Here, since you probably skimmed I’ll make a list:

* a bigger priority for some people...

I think the answer as to “why” they didn’t just record Hamill and de-age him is two fold: cost is one but more important is the ability to test how “passable” it is to do Luke stories without him.

Consider this a test run for a show about Luke and the fall of the jedi academy he is building. Would it work to have a

As a game developer I always love these tidbits because someone could easily look at this and scoff and say, “Bah, what a stereotypical view of France, do they think they’re dancing with joy over bread?”

Not realizing that there was no time or ability to make anything completely bespoke. That the person in charge had

I think the issue is that as pokemon games are increasingly visually outpaced by their competitors it’s clear that they simply don’t care to solve these issues, rather than they can’t. So people have relevant and specific references they can point to and say, “ why didn’t you solve it the way that other game

OR...maybe people engage with games as art and therefore have nuanced priorities of what does and does not make a good game? Art is a bigger priority for some people. Some people love or hate games based solely on the soundtrack.

If I said, “Hey this game is beautiful but it controls like shit” I wouldn’t tell you to

As someone with 32GB I would say it’s currently overkill for the vast majority of people and likely will be for some time and here’s why:

My 32GB has in no way been problematic even in a high end game development scenario. I have a 3090 and 5950x, so essentially the best GPU/CPU you can get until you go into proper

“I sure hope I can turn false scarcity into money!
- Every Capitalist Right Now

About 10 years ago, while developing an unrelated game, we came up with the idea of “Detective Whiskers: Mystery-Solving Cat”, we had a comics and other drawings and eventually a silly prototype.

We of course didn’t get much farther, other development pays the bills. But every time a cat game comes out we all message

I was in games and went to software (Artist). Programmers will generally be about 20% lower in games compared to their relative salaries in software, though more importantly if a game studio does stock it’ll be in very small amounts (a few thousand). So nothing like the Apple/Microsoft/Facebook/Google where stock can

A true anti-vaxxer would have also ignored the advice and treatment of the doctors, trainers, and medical professionals advising her to rest and recover.

What do those eggheads know? If she knows better than them about the vaccine why listen now?

Yep, “It’s ok for people to sell a little snake long as they aren’t white men” is how we get people like Elizabeth Holmes.

I think a lot of the response is overblown. I take a more personal interest in these things because well, I’m an artist who works in games. But generally that doesn’t affect my enjoyment of them on release it’s just an interesting conversation to follow.

Where I grow increasingly unsympathetic towards The Pokemon

“heterosexual rights are equally important”

Sure, and when was the last time it questioned whether two heterosexual people could get married?

The last time it happened systematically was not because a given couple was heterosexual, it was because they were mixed race.

It might actually lower their revenue but in a really circuitous way. At some point a larger radius can mean more items for a player in any given play session.

I play the game about 15 min a day on my morning walk. But with the smaller radius I actually reach 2 fewer pokestops (5 rather than 7) and I don’t want to

At this point if someone hasn’t found a single weekend or day off to walk into a wallgreens (etc) or can’t manage to find the time in sixty days that’s on them. I only live 7 miles from work but I easily drive past 5 locations where I can get a vaccine on the way; like grocery stores, clinics, etc.

There are literally

The subway near my college was so funny, the clearly had a deal where one employee had to work and one got to sit in the side office and chill. And you could see the other employee too.

“Well, maybe that was the manager?” you might ask but no, I could come in the next day with the same two people working and the other

If the game ever releases this is what will doom it:

The faith-militant will expect, nay demand, special treatment. If someone spent $1000 on a ship in 2013 what the fuck will they do if a similar ship becomes available to new players at pennies on the dollar?

The newbies will hate the game, as they’ll get blasted out

I will say now, as I said last year: I was wrong about Star Citizen. I thought it’s playerbase would have cannibalized itself and the developers 3+ years ago.

It is now no longer fair for me to predict its doomsday because the truth is we already passed that and what do you know, the desire to believe you haven’t been

The biggest issue with the Clone Wars is that a lot of the antagonists are incompetent. So our heroes, rather than having to act intelligent and work for success need to repeatedly fuck up and act incompetent themselves so that there’s some kind of tension. If they were smarter the episode would be 3 minutes long.
