Even the weird “Albanian” crack? If so can you explain it? Because no one else here seems to even get it, let alone consider it as correct or otherwise.
I actually thought it was pretty good.
Why can’t this happen to any movies I like so that way I can burn my DVD copy into the computer and hoard it for future generations while selling the physical copy for cash?
Short of having a queen up your sleeve and hoping no one notices or something like that, I can’t think of what Chess cheating could consist of other than having a computer or another person work out the logic of the moves on your behalf. And while that would indeed be “cheating” it would also be meaningless unless the…
I’m getting very mixed signals about this movie and the slave trade. In reality of course this country was very deep in the slave trade. I had hopes that the movie was a Braveheart-style historical fantasy and that I wouldn’t have to skip it like I did “The Northman.”
Why didn’t he just drown and get it over with?
Why does this surprise me? It doesn’t feel like I should be surprised.
So Chess has gotten stupid now too?
I’m sure profanity and insults make you feel quite powerful. But now it’s probably time for you to go back to 4Chan or the Alex Jones forum.
The fact that you comment on it, and have for years, means you need more to do with your time.
Did you get permission from The Root before you published this article?
As was the case with “The Northman,” I’m very hesitant about this and for very similar reasons.
That’d be them. I remember them Klingon-y not physically but because they were an alien warrior culture and most of the details about that game fade from memory and the Klingons are sort of the go-to “alien warrior culture.”
Trafficking humans is not new for Republicans. Not sure why there are jabs at Mayor Adams in here, did you ask The Root for approval first? Even if you did, he kinda didn’t actually traffic anyone so....Why?
I never said I was grilling, you said that. So, again, we return to where we started, which is that it’s for some reason fun for you to recast innocent behavior as toxic. That seems an awful lot like bullying.
I had been looking forward to this movie. But then I looked up the country that it’s about and, as it turns out, their thing was enslaving other Africans to sell to Europeans.
This is not surprising. Which is why I have to ask why women keep being interested in him and marrying him.
So trying to impress someone with knowledge of a shared hobby is harassment now?