
You really think that? I think he wants the money. Please remember that in the civil case he won years ago, the Judge very seriously stacked the deck against the defendant, so it’s not like he, or any of us, can trust the civil verdict any more than we can trust the criminal verdict, despite the fact that more White

This is some sports guy, right?

Dear God I hope not.

That too. More than one show can suck and be a cultural drag on modern civilization. In fact there are hundreds.

Guessing this is a sketch or something that I didn’t see. I’ll be fine.

Guessing this is a sketch I didn’t see. That’s fine.

They can all fuck themselves. This show never should’ve been aired. Because it was a bad influence but also because it sucked.

There are many reasons why I believe the AV Club to be unqualified to do this list.

As I’ve said before, only two things will change this. (I used to admit to only one but I’ve added another.)

What will fix this is something that will never happen: Years and years of consistent, uncomplaining voting for Democrats.

I’m glad. The pile-on Whedon, which combined credible (if questionable) allegations with non-credible allegations (‘weaponized my faith and femininity?’ come on now — that ‘faith’ part would be a red flag to you all in any other context) was getting to be extreme.

Regarding the first part, being an adulterer, I will point out that avclub’s sister site, Jezebel, is perfectly ok with adultery when women do it.

I will point out what should be obvious: If we elected Democrats consistently to every or most offices for years and years, the shit Democrats would matter a lot less. They only matter now because we’re, let’s face it, in the minority.

$500,000 isn’t a large judgement by celebrity standards. It is to us, to be sure, but not for the person it was levied against. This isn’t Amber Heard.

“crumbles” to any reasonable person, not to the Republicans.

It’s important to remember that this testimony might be “moving” to us but to the Republicans they are, approximately, torture porn.

Why defend a man this age? Aren’t they all harassers and abusers and rapists and such? Or, I guess, any man, for the same reason?

It is kinda funny to see how my fellow liberals select who it’s ok to offend against.

Other than Alice Cooper and Mr. Rogers. of course.

I’m very confused by the BLM part.