
While I might agree with the generic statements about journalists not parroting back what their sources say, in this instance it’s an important confirmation of how the Trump administration viewed Collins, women in general, the nomination, and the abortion issue. Also while Collins is likely to’ve known what the result

It does not surprise me when people stand up in public for their friends, and Depp has a lot of them among other celebrities. It’s really hard to call this worthy of an article, honestly.

The whole post is a tad  hysterical in tone and this line is but one example.

Umm...Yeah. If you vote straight Republican, it’s got nothing to do with anyone on my side of the fence. It’s because of you, virtue-signalling in the wrong direction.

This is....Creepy. You already knew that, I think, but still. Had to say it.

Am I wrong for being a little creeped out by the fact that the article did not note that the surgeon/victim was Black also? It’s almost like the author either didn’t think to Google his name, or thought it somehow didn’t matter at all to the story.

I’m curious about the conclusion of this article. Why should we “hope” this works out? Are you hoping this turns into another Depp/Heard thing? I, on both counts, will hope for no such thing.

I’m not buying that this has any impact whatsoever on anyone. While most abuse victims lack her means, most accused abusers lack his. And his fan base.

Understood; thank you for the clarification. And you are doubtlessly right that pressing formal criminal charges would’ve helped her.

So Johnny Depp, a very liberal person politically who openly made jokes about killing President Trump, is now a Republican icon because he won a lawsuit against someone who accused him of domestic violence.

Anyone got an idea what the next crazy obsession of the crazed obsessives will be?

Are you sure she’s unlikable? I thought it was just that he was liked by more people. Different thing.

It is difficult to believe that this’ll have much of an impact on anything. Sure, most abuse victims don’t have her resources but most accused abusers don’t have his. These circumstances are pretty unique in many important respects.

So what will they do for Willow season 2?

If the original films were made today these folks would’ve been protesting Lando.

I would take “fexting” as being like “sexting” but aggressive. In which case I say I am glad to see old couples taking advantage of technology to keep up the sexual part of the marriage.

Yep. The irony is little short of crazy.

So the Republicans are ok with abortion when it’s the cop’s choice but not the woman’s.

These people have answers for that. Deep state communist pedophiles from BLM and antifa. I’m not exaggerating.

I would say it depends on where you put the shoe. For example, what if Clarence Thomas had worn it while talking about his dick and pubic hair on coca cola cans?