
“learning nothing from Taylor Swift...” Except that as I recall Swift’s problem was the rights to her music being swept out from under her by someone with a grudge whereas Springsteen is making his own decision.

Harsh reality time: The only remedy for things like this is sustained and uncomplaining voting for Democrats for many years to come. We Liberals, though, though seem to prefer to lose and complain than to win consistently and inch towards our goals.

I’m shocked. I thought they had non-White human NPCs running around years ago. They’re literally just doing this now?

This is depressing.

What I hope happens it that the brand name becomes 007, not Bond, and every few movies we can meet an entirely new person to take up that mantle.

Unless of course one is supporting a Republican Supreme Court nominee, a Republican President, a White fratboy, or said Republican President’s bestie, in which case it’s a great look.

No one’s ever answered me, how’s the rape mechanic of the game? Is it just one click or are there, like, rape comobs? Will the DLC change that mechanic?

He’s an interesting fellow.

To be sure those are usually worth worrying about but there are a lot of folks throughout history, for example lynched Black men from America and burned White women from Europe, who were harmed for following the priorities you recommend.

For people supposedly hating him, he’s sure made a fuck ton of money. I find his music boring.

Dear Republicans: When you complain about accusations against Brett Kavanaugh ruining his life, be reminded that this is what a false accusation ruining someone’s life looks like.

Don’t you think the dude she falsely accused might dispute the statement that she “did not do anything malicious?”

Umm. Yeah.

No one else is worried about vigilante groups, eh? Oh well.

How did it get there? Some Republican put it there. If he gets caught he’ll cry free speech, someone will put up the money for a good lawyer, and he’ll pay a small-ish fine. What’s the big mystery?

Dumb question: If it’s a budget concern, why not just animate all of it and use completely simulated voices? Those do exist.

I take violation of smoking laws and public transit fare laws a lot more seriously than I think this author does but I take police making shit up (and worse things) even more seriously.

Reality check: With the current makeup of the Supreme Court, there is no realistic chance that pro-choice prevails. So you can stop your hand-wringing, we have lost. If for some reason I’m wrong I’ll be both incredibly shocked and very curious to read the decision to find out the specifics of how. (So I guess a win

I think the younger folks who were going to be interested in such a movie would be looking for something that looked more like the real Middle Ages — this movie seems like its view of what those times look like is stuck in around the time that Ridley Scott would’ve been going to school, around 7 decades ago.

Supposedly in the movie the events are related from three perspectives, and the victim is one of them (the one the movie regards as accurate).