

If anyone on this website would like to make donations to me, I'll be a good sport and give it a go! I'll even send you a CD-R of me doing some funny voices in return for your contribution. I'm really good!

I'm sorry but I just can't agree with you. No public transit = no freedom at all before you can drive. If your friends didn't live within biking distance you had to rely on your parents' approval of all activities until you were 16-17 and could get a driver's license (and you'd need to be able to afford a car). Plus,

Haven't been to the fest but MassMOCA is really an incredible place with interesting architecture- loved the upside-down trees, are those still there? I am not surprised that that festival rocked. I saw Wilco a few years ago and it was a more adventurous show than I'd expected…lots of noodling (in a good way) and

Agreed! Coming of age musically in the late 90s in a rural part of the country was an aggressive onslaught of disappointment. Chain record stores, lifeless corporate-owned radio stations with no colleges nearby to get their stations, TRL-era MTV (my only solace being 120 Minutes later, in high school), and file

Clearly your weed wasn't strong enough, MW.

Home Improvement = 3OH!3

I just finished it and I would definitely re-read it! I feel like I've already put that much time into it, and the narrative is so cut-and-paste that it begs a re-read…I think that's part of the joke. Plus it's awesome, so that helps.

Richard Dunn drank urine in an episode of Tim & Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!, but not everyone counts that show as a show or wants to remember that it happened at all (I do).

Yes, it's been quite a slippery slope. Thanks to this episode we learned that Kevin apparently no longer knows alphabetical order.

Year of The Simpsons Channel, Brought to You By Fox Entertainment, A Division of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation

The Gay Agenda has re-routed my brain to the extent that I didn't understand that as a joke. More like Seinfeld-ian observational humor ("what's the deeeeal with cum tasting bad!?!" etc).

Odd Future Numberwang Kill Them All?

Yes, seconded. However, I definitely agree with Margaret that the whole thing was a bit lackluster. It felt stale even though everything was dialed up to 11 (live runway! Nicki Minaj! Nigel with hair!). I'm sure it's hard to give this series new life, but I hope they add a little more fun and irreverence to it. Not

On "I Love Lucy," Lucille Ball's mother went to most of the tapings and had a very distinct, high-pitched laugh that would stand out. Sometimes she could also be heard chuckling "oh no" when Lucy and Ethel were enacting Lucy's Brilliant Scheme That Involved Either Silly Costumes or Large Amounts of Food.

Plus Bob Barker doing what we all want to do- punching Adam Sandler repeatedly in the face!

I'm sure they were hoping for something as moving as confronting HIV+ status head-on, depicting the emotional power of symbols and dismantling the severe implication of the plus sign with a bold colorful print true to the designer's aesthetic. This season, we learned that grayscale gears and clocks…like, are

As a lady, Anya's was definitely the outfit I'd want to wear the most. The prints were interwoven seamlessly (fashion pun- I went there) in spite of both of them being so frenetic, and the black sleeves were cute and good for contrast. Could definitely wear it in a variety of settings and it looked well-made with

America's Next Great Restaurant
I know 3 other people in the country watched that show besides me, but did anyone else have a PTSD flashback to America's Next Great Restaurant when Curtis Stone uttered the phrase "fast casual?"

Then you're a rare breed! We welcome you with open arms. (I'm the first of the three). None of my straight male friends dig it.