
Sounds to me like more like a flaw or security risk n IE and Safari, if Microsoft's IE Team is dumb enough to not even be aware they had this issue that's their own problem. This might not even be true, sounds to me like another anti-Google campaign from Microsoft and Apple.

ammmm WtF?

I believe the ad is much more reliable

Matt, I respect you a lot, but siriously, you need to be more objective, iP4S is great but you are putting it on a pedestal, is just another phone man, and it is different than the others, not necessarily better or the best.

actually, those things were not free, they came included with the sticker :)

The difference in cost is because of the Sticker with the "S"

Bad copies don't get the kind of success Android is getting, think about the japanese after Hiroshima, they started "bad copying" stuff, but were they really bad copies? more like improved copies, and then you got Sony, Nikon, Canon, Toyota, Mitsubishi, you name it, most of the top companies are japanese and they all

I think special characters are supposed to be ignored, just type in the stuff you can understand and you'll probablly won't pass the captcha anyways :)

I thought they were synonims

So a barometer on a phone.. it's obvious now phones will know when you drop them and hover before touching the floor :)

I hope we will!! Does anyone know for sure?

It would be nice to be called "papi" in a sexy robotic female voice... right?

I read the same about flour, but without using any water, it supposed to heal you very fast even with not so mild burns.

So this whole thing is because Samsung used a Google Maps location? which Apple also used? I don't think Google will care about it since it's a free service, and I don't think Apple has anything to say because, you know, it's not their map or location, but I do think that search bar is not from Samsung, aside from a

We should ask siri about it!!

Seems like everyone is taking this leak as granted, but couldn't be possible that is fake? I still have hopes for a better camera

Software issues are easier to handle than hardware issues, I don't see why compare something so different, but you are right, it's not my problem if you guys like to get stabbed on the back and keep kissing Apple's ass, by the way, I'm not depressed, I was just sympathetic for people who buy "Premium" stuff and get

It's kind of sad, reading all this comments of people who just accept bad practices from a company with a long story of the same crappy manufacturing. Don't get me wrong, it's great your yellow screen will disappear someday, I just think it's sad you guys just have to accept it year after year and even take it as a

I wish Google Voice was available in other countries outside the US. I hope they get to it soon

Sorry, I did not meant to troll, I also never said this wasn't interesting, I do skip most of the steve/apple/iphone threads, just wanted to share my opinion about the amount of posts related to the same stuff.