
Not saying much. There are late stage cancers that are funnier than Sienfeld's jokes.

I'm guessing the last episode of the series is going to involve Davos shoving that bag of fingertips down Stannis's throat.

i get what you mean, and he did kind of trick Shirleen into going along with it. by getting her to agree to help him without telling her he planned to do what he did.

what you mean give her character development and then stick to it?

i'd rather not see Ramsey find himself a Brienne skin rug.

i never got original Sin.

some of us have taste.

"As long as you're a lawful citizen he'll have your back."

If you ask me, in that moment, Stannis became a shadow of the mad king, he's been gradually descending into madness this whole time, that was his Helter Skelter moment.

oh so when you all lumped those people into the same category together you WEREN'T saying they were all the same, dispite actually saying that.

ah…Didn't realize I was arguing with different people, that explains some of the confusion.

i didn't realise I was having this conversation with more than one person so ignore that, soz.

personally i always preferred Nuktuk of the south

Incidently Nannok of the north, much like Stannis's humanity, was a complete forgery.

Because you're saying that people who don't believe disabled and terminally ill people should be forced to suffer agonizing and slow deaths, and people who think perhaps women shouldn't be forced to carry babies raped into them are exactly the same as the warmongers who talk about Just wars.

It's not my fault you said something dumb, I was just pointing it out.

I loved Tyrions reactions…I could see every conflicting emotion, every single thing that character knows about history and his own experiences battling it out in Dinklage's face. He portrayed it perfectly. that mix of thank the gods and holy hell what have I gotten myself into.

There's only so much sitting on your ass in a pile of snow twiddling your thumbs that you can film.

and then i'll rub my greyscale hands all over her hahahahaha! that'll teach her!

Gendry - *who has arms like mountains after rowing for so long*