
But when you consider most of that is just him describing what all the banners look like…

don't forget that the army of the dead has been wandering around in circles aimlessly for five years…dispite the fact that the dude getting his head cut off in the first scene of the first episode had seen them and been able to run back to winterfell.

Vecause voluntary suicide and abortions are comparable to war *Rolls eyes*

Isn't that the premise of lawnmower man?

lol sad twat.

John milton was an afficianado of 1980's action movies?

Cracked did this ages ago!

As with most cheaters you sound like a self important douchebag.

The subject is moot, of course, if you’re not in a position to end your marriage and Happy Affair Man isn’t either.

Yeah…of course…because life has been so unfair to him so far.

I know right…it melted away the last time I heard him live on the TV.

Because Dany actually had some character development from it.

pity he can't play music anymore either.

Proof they were never needed.

Well of course as soon as the republicans were out of power and accusing government of cover ups was deemed fashionable for the right wing they jumped on everything they could find to blame on Obama. after all it's a classic one now…But initially it was a left leaning conspiracy.

stupidity is one of the few truly bi-partisan things.

actually it's down to a political divide.
(further showcasing how much of conspiracy theories boils down to little more than petty tribalism)

You mean like that White house correspondence dinner he did?

Oh wow…when you put it like that Duggar sounds a hell of a lot like Hannibals Mason Verger.

Please don't use gross words like that. lol