
Damn you and your kung fu treachery Fiendish Dr Wu!

it's ok…there's no such thing as 2.

meh, obvious troll is obvious.

tell you what, i'll do you a deal. if you fancy discussing the relevant issue, i'll start punctuating properly. Keep being a pathetic grammar nazi and i'll purposefully keep not doing it

thanks for proving my point for me.

because comments on the internet are all graded by English teachers.

you can tell that from two lines of comment on the internet can you?

Perhaps he's a Celtic monk…i think that's how they used to tonsure themselves.

i feel older than that most days…does that count?

he's got more to say than anyone on the right in America lately…All you guys seem to do is shriek SOCIALISM at the top of your lungs every time someone suggests workers should perhaps have more rights than the tools they do their jobs with.

So i'm guessing Glen and Eugene are going to drag the other guy back at gunpoint. The friction over what to do about him is going to kick everything off, the towns going to boil over into a civil war, and then as the bullets start flying Daryl is going to get back from his patrol and not knowing at all what's going

ok rolling for it…sorry, i only rolled a 1, your torrent spell has backfired and you've been sucked into the computer…at least that's what happens in THIS timeline.

creepy would have been a much better word to use.

probably because most douchebags aren't beyond raping someone.

i get the impression they'd been together in the past, but they aren't now and they kinda want each other back but aren't too sure if it's the best idea (her especially).


because if there's one thing we all know about communities, it's that they never ever change…

Eric Idle from Monty Python is awesome as Rincewind!

No i'm not kidding you, you made a very blanket statement and i was holding you to it because i think it's wrong…Abuse is never so simple a thing that it can be summed up in one sentence.

Not at all true…Whilst that is the case for some it is certainly not the case for all.