
because people like Carol might be lurking about.

unless you take into account the thousands of cases of child abuse that go on for years at a time because the victim is terrified of their abuser…

I realy liked Orphan Black…Right up until the point that the big conspiracy turned out to all be about vaccines…Ffs as if that nonsense isn't killing enough people in the REAL world already, now you're reinforcing it for people who already have a big problem telling fact from fiction!

was that before or after L.Ron went to live at sea with a staff of pre pubescent boys?

*Goes apeshit, but not enough and is told to do it again*

And when that word is used to incite violence, what then?

In a game where your head explodes if there's more than one of you left.

i mean actual scene by scene…even the characters all follow the same basic pattern set out by battle Royale.
this buzzfeed link can say it a bit more efficiently than i can here.

and i'm sure the homosexuals who get their heads kicked in whilst having "Queer" shouted in their faces will be very relieved to hear that.

oh wow really…one person…what times we live in!

punishment park is similar in concept i'll grant you…But i wouldn't say Battle Royale was a rip off, it's an entirely different story for one…also one is presented like a movie the other is presented like a documentary…Storytelling wise they are entirely different.

i'd agree with you if it weren't for the fact that most of the differences are superficial.

remembering that film exists makes my heart hurt…

That's very true. Battle Royale did what Hunger games did with a fraction of the budget.

It still all seemed a bit dumb and contrived.

doesn't the HG film have a master cake decorator (From a ghetto which shouldn't have any cake shops at all) camouflage himself perfectly using the magic of cake decorating skills?

really…queer? you actually chose to use that word?

That's not hard…Misery is a better love story than twilight.

oh wow, so making a slight difference stops something from being a shameless rip off…

True, but in that case why not just make the entire crosshandle out of that material? at least that way you would be able to find some use for them.