
Except it wouldn't. A crossguard catches the opposing blade and traps it in the crook of the guard as it slides down your own blade, if that happened to this weapon then the other light sabre would cut straight through it since the side beams aren't flush with the main blade, the handle juts out a good three or four

yeah, i'm not spell checking because i honestly couldn't care less about you or this argument.

There you go again…beginning sentences with the word and.

Lol you know what you're doing…sure you do. whatever you have to tell yourself mate.

Because as i said i didn't find it funny.
It is possible to know what Hyperbole is without braying like a demented donkey at every single example of it you see.

I know what hyperbole is, i just didn't think that example of it it was funny…I thought it was funnier that you were trying to correct my spelling with atrocious grammar.

I guess that's as good an excuse as any.

lol another American has made the mistake of thinking his continent is the entire world.

and then ALIENS came and tried to kidnap him in the glorious name of satan so they could take him to a FEMA camp and Molon Lobe like teh lizard men do. THANKS OBAMA!!!

i'm sure he'll find some way to spin a profit out of it.

I find It's because they're so comfortable they've become detatched from reality.

wow…there are a lot of angry Back to the future fanboys venting their rage here!

i think the episode finished perfectly not just for the season but for the entire series. It's been a LONG time since a show has been so spot on for so long as the Avatar series. I've enjoyed it on a level i didn't think i was able to enjoy tv at any more. It joins the ranks of Breaking bad, Game of Thrones,

you are entirely correct…it's just not until recently that they've been able to reliably validate that opinion with evidence. a couple of Israeli Scholars did extensive work searching for it and finally hammered the last nail in the coffin when they came up empty.

Ok…that actually was quite funny. Touche!

a coin would probably make more sense for the joke you're failing to make.

no. It isn't.

Well if God wanted to punish the Pharaohs it took him about five thousand years to realize what they were up to…Was he busy crafting a platypus or something?

in a minute pierce.

if that was an intentional pun then it was masterful!