
It's almost as if she isn't married to a black man and doesn't have black child.

Ban all youths.

It makes me feel super old because half of twitter was like WTF are they wearing and had no idea about them "pulling a Britney and Justin."

Also why you're so good at sports

Lame. My avatar is much better.

Why am I not surprised that the grey system isn't fixing this? The trolls are still trolling. The only difference is, lots of us non trolls are stuck in the greys now. Sigh.

Hey Isha- there's a troll posting animal torture gifs in the Westboro comments. Could you (or any approved commenter) possibly put a warning as an approved comment? I know you have the general warning about caution with pending comments, but there are very few approved comments on the article...

I'm actually genuinely concerned for their safety here. I hate WBC as much as anyone, but I still don't want to see them get executed.

Better question, who the hell stores cleaning chemicals in the same place as food?

We have a troll posting animal abuse gifs in the comments.

The saddest part of that story was finding out that Australians are aware of the WBC too. I thought only the US had heard of them and the rest of the world got to live in blissful ignorance of their existence.

Man, you weren't pollen your punches with those puns. Bless you

Wut? Where did he think the food went? He did realise poop was food right?

um I CONSTANTLY see dudes on the train with their bags on the seat next to them.

Both sexes act like jerks when it comes to seat space. Both of these types of people are to be mocked for their terrible ways

It's an epidemic.

1) Your underwear will hold them up and otu of the way. You can end up sitting on the base of the scrotum (which is just skin really, it's the contents that are super sensitive), which doesn't really hurt that much. If you accidentally sat on a testicle you'd adjust yourself rather quickly.

i actively hate this dude

Ooh, I have questions about penises! They may seem pretty basic. My excuse is that I am a lady homo. Most have to do with "where does it go when_____?"

I knew a guy who honestly didn't know women farted or pooped until he got married. I thought he was joke but no he was serious.