Seriously. I've legitimately never been so surprised by push back on Jezebel. Is mentioning condoms really worth this level of aggression?
Seriously. I've legitimately never been so surprised by push back on Jezebel. Is mentioning condoms really worth this level of aggression?
Wait, you've heard of condoms? Well Jesus H then I guess I should completely stop talking about them. Have you heard about breast cancer? Health body image? Healthy diets? I just want to know what topics you're aware of so I can be sure not to ever bring them up in the future.
I would say that the fact that men are so resistant in many cultures is a reason to redouble the emphasis on normalizing them and on teaching both girls and guys condom negotiation skills. Just throwing up your hands and circumventing it with birth control doesn't seem like the best bet.
Question: have you ever tried the DOH? I know in NYC you can get poly condoms for free with an unfair amount of effort but don't know if that applies outside of NYC.
Gotcha, that helps explain it a little, thanks. As I said, it hadn't been mentioned at the time I posted my comment. I was pretty taken aback at the response, I must admit.
You're right, "we all" was a misuse of terms. I wasn't saying "just use condoms" just reinforcing them as an important element of sexual health. I'm pretty stunned that people are being so aggressive by the fact that I mentioned condoms in the comments of an article about birth control.
As someone who taught sexual health for a living for over a decade I can tell you that a lot of women don't consider that an option. You're more than welcome to find it infantilizing. I find it practical.
I have no idea if people keep bringing it up since when I wrote this there were no comments but OK, cool that they did? A lot of women don't think about condoms for various reasons. Why would it be wrong to mention in passing something that can save lives?
As someone who can't use hormonal birth control for medical reasons, can I toss in that we all have the option of condoms? And that even people on birth control should use them until both they and their partners have been tested for STDs/HIV?
That's fair. It's terrifying how many satellite outbreaks started just from one doctor being moved around for his funeral.
I didn't say the joking was appropriate - just that most of the information in the piece is beneficial and important and that it's not wrong to discuss the risks to countries beyond West Africa (the US is a stand in here). I can guarantee you that, you're right, the vast majority of the people reading this…
It's not well worded. The punchline is, don't have unprotected sex with a dude recovering from Ebola for at least 61 days. Actually, that number is based on a patient in a lab - give it a solid 3 months just in case it's different in real life circumstances.
Seriously. What bastards. Couldn't they just sit in their pretentious eponymous apartment buildings and glare at the world like the rest of us folk?
It absolutely can. I thought 2 questions were overly silly - the cannibalism one and the suicide one. The rest of them were spot on. Again, this is aimed at US citizens because the site is based here, but people in Nigeria, where there is a new outbreak, should be getting the same exact information. Though,…
That's definitely missing. I think maybe out of the scope but hopefully they can delve into it in the future because it's a critical part of the discussion - not just with regards to Ebola.
I totally agree. We do all deserve a healthy life and the fact that medical facilities are not able to handle these situations are atrocious. I tend to undercut serious things with humor but I 100% understand why that bothers you. I just think you're focusing on the jokes instead of the serious information…
A second case was just diagnosed in Nigeria, so the virus has officially spread to another country. They are attempting to track down all of the people in contact with the initial victim and the newly diagnosed man.
It shows up in semen of infected men for up to 61 days after recovery - at least in lab conditions. So even after patients have recovered, they can still be contagious. Use condoms.
Their quarantine procedures are vastly different from ours. Most of the doctors aren't using full suits like here - they are wearing aprons and masks with face shields. I'm not sure what protection the Americans were using, but it's a safe bet to say they weren't the full out astronaut suits the staff is using here.…