

I was at an event once where RBG and my grandmother somehow got involved in a long discussion. I was standing by gawking at her until time was up and I had to say "I'm sorry to interrupt, but Bubbe we have to sit down now."

You should go into advertising.

Some people dress nicely not to be sexy or to fulfill an expectation of others, but because gives them confidence. Why shouldn't new mothers have that option?

Check out

That's a great suggestion. Daily probably wouldn't work, but it would be really cool if they could tag in a correspondent from a different country semi regularly to talk about how life there affects them as women

You and me both. I'm an MD/MPH. We should combine our powers like Captain Planet.

Seconded. Even just including a link to the original article so that readers could read the actual study rather than just a summary of a summary of a summary would be great.

Yes, please science writers. Even if you just run the science pieces past someone with the right background to point out any dangerous misconceptions or glaring factual errors it would be a huge improvement. Writers could also incorporate corrections pointed out by people in the comment section.

Here's a link to the journal article if anyone wants more details or to read about the limitations of the study.


she smiled in Ben and Kate! Which was brilliant and canceled after 10 episodes. She deserves better than this.

It doesn't bother me but I am sorry for it. It bothers me that Kinja made it impossible to see that you had done that, given that I did actually read the thread first and saw neither your response nor anyone responding to you. I'm not really one for a pile on.

Does it bother you more or less than a woman telling you that her child was raped?

Well thank god somebody finally had the courage to come out and say this.

That's what I'm thinking. They seem to all be black and white and non descript. If apple and google decide they only want white people represented that's their problem - I'm not sure how Unicode is repsponsible. It would be nice if they diversified but it's on the people who actually colorize the images.

But why isn't it the responsibility of places like apple to diversify them as well? Each individual platform is making the conscious decision to have primary white emojis. Unicode should do it too but I don't think third party developers should be left of the hook given that they are the ones filling in the blanks.

Leave me alone, I'm busy rethinking my opinion on everything you've ever written.

I assume this list is written from best to worst because Sorbo is at the top. Check your numbering Lindy.

After the movement to diversify emojis, the Unicode people (in charge of the keyboard the platforms use) were supposed to address it. The new set released in June did not. They are shifting the blame to the third party developers, saying that their emojis are raceless but apple/android etc are filling in the colors as