
Andrew, no.

I would definitely watch a show where DJ and Kimmy are married to each other and have three adorable boys.

as a Price is Right enthusiast, I’ve often wondered what would happen if a thing like this happened.

This is the fucking worst. I’m so disappointed in all of you coffee drinking missionary sex having assholes. The only correct decision you’ve ever made is to keep Red Velvet Cake from winning in 2010.

Which is the worse type of violence, having your civil rights violated, being subjected to hate speech, and being treated daily like a second class citizen OR getting someone threatening your pizza place?

In one interview they said that somebody tweeted about burning the place down.

Yeah, that definitely should have been mentioned. Can you find any information on what kind of threats they were getting? Because if we’re talking death threats, rape threats, vandalism, sure, that’s fucked up, it’s not okay to make people feel unsafe about running their business. But when I clicked on the pizza

I don’t know if I actually agree with you that violent threats are worse than homophobia (I’m kind of tipsy and not thinking very deeply tonight), but you make a good point regardless. Threats of violence really aren't okay.

The pizzeria has been shut down because of all the violent threats the owner have received. While I very strongly disagree with the owners’ sentiments, I disagree even more strongly with those who have successfully caused the pizzeria to shutter its doors. Making violent threats is a far worse transgression that

There’s this whole crazypants conspiracy theory that lyme disease is a genetically altered bio-weapon created by a nazi scientist who emigrated to the US after WW2 (via Operation Paperclip, a perennial conspiracy wellspring) This nazi scientist was working on Plum Island Animal Research Facility (boom, scary secret

Avril has Lyme disease? More like Lame disease, am I right? No? I’m not right? It’s actually Lyme disease? Oh, that sounds serious. I hope she has a speedy recovery.

I remember people here giving her so much grief for not wanting to be touched by her fans. I also remember a lot of snark when Jezebel reported that she had told a fan she was sick.


Pizza in the New York area is like Mexican food in the southwest or racism in the midwest: if you grow up around it, it ruins it for you if it's from anywhere else.

I'm a self-respecting giant homo, I got gay-married before it was trendy, and I HAD PIZZA AT MY WEDDING. Granted it was pizza from one of the best pizzarias in the United States, and it was for the rehearsal dinner not the reception, but dammit it was tasty and delicious and yumtastic and the cheapest way to feed

We got married in a warehouse and had mexican food form the local sombreros and pizza from our fav pizza place ever. Beats the hell out of cold chicken and medium heated salmon.

We got married at 2:30 and by 9 were meeting our friends at a bar (Athens, Georgia, yo!) right after we ate pizza for dinner. Then, at around midnight, I went to Little Italy to buy my new husband a slice of pizza because I am a dutiful wife who always has her husband's happiness on the brain.

Heavens, no. You are required to have dry chicken breast or otherwise your marriage isn't legally binding.

Who on earth wants pizza made by an Irish family in Indiana?

As a Hoosier....this is ridiculously embarrassing...granted I am not from that town, I'm from the liberal Indianapolis Baruch Hashem. Additionally, I never knew pizza could be Christian. That being said...if someone gay, Muslim, Jewish whatever really did want pizza at their wedding (I mean maybe they really love