Ableism, transmysogyny, misandry
Ableism, transmysogyny, misandry
A while back when randos were making terror threats on twitter they were taken plenty seriously. If that person was in the position to make good on those threats doesn’t come into play when you don’t know who is doing it. It was a serious issue because it prevented FBI from telling apart credible threats from trolls.…
Sorry if my story turned you against feminism (really?) or felt like trolling (?). Death threats against women targeted by Gamergate and others ruined their lives for months and years on end, causing them to fear for their safety and flee their homes. I’m seeing a lot of argument that that’s not “as bad” as what…
The point very clearly was that law enforcement officials have the resources to go after these anonymous twitter users but they don’t do so when it causes women to live in terror. That’s what rape threats are about. To silence women, make them feel small and weak by terrorizing them with the threat of rape. I’m glad…
Right, she had an older daughter with wife #1. Imagine hearing your dad say, “All my girls” and you’re not included in who she’s referring to.
Reality show editors purposely play narratives with “characters” on the show. It’s supposed to be a reality show but we see what the show makers want us to see and the more relationships are involved in the show the more chances are that we’re only seeing one side of relationships. Just something i’ve caught on…
Thanks Michael. I’ve recognized this about Van Jones for nearly a year now and I’m glad others are catching on as well. I think he just likes the idea of appealing to the white working class and admires candidates who can do that. I saw him do that with Bernie and I see him do it with Trump, he values the pain of…
Also family members such as parents or siblings are very different from your spouse. I mean a parent may grieve about the dreams and picture they had in mind for their kid but it doesn’t personally effect their life, not in the same way as it does for a spouse. The spouse isn’t only grieving about what they pictured…
Oddly Caitlyn is the most conservative member of that family. I don’t know where her parents stand but if I recall Caitlyn wasn’t too happy about Kim protesting proposition 8 against same sex marriage ban in California. As for Kris having a hard time with it, well I imagine having your partner go through transition…
They’re more educated than their male peers.
If women were only 78 cents on the dollar, employers (men or women) would be downright reckless to not reduce their labor costs by a whopping 22% by exclusively hire women over men in any field were both men and women compete in roughly the same numbers.
I’ve read those studies and they helped me understand body dysphoria felt by trans people but it doesn’t show or say thing in regard to gender.
I don’t think that explains FTM trans brain.
There are areas of the brain that do have structures correlated to gender.
Actually, there have been a few studies that suggest transpeople have less phantom limb when they are supposed to, indicating their neurology does not line up to their body.
That is a tough catch 22. I hope to see gender abolished in my lifetime and I’ll keep working towards that goal as long as I’m alive. I don’t think I face consequences anywhere close to what a transwoman would but I often am faced with the choice to fall in line with gender norms that cost me money, time, and…
I’m just trying to say the latter group doesn’t exist in every culture or the framework of transactivist in other countries. So be mindful of applying western framework to criticize a non-american feminist.
What I said was in response to what ThatbastardKurtis stated. I apologize for directing it at you.
Except that gender identity is influenced by many things, only one of which gender. For many trans folks who experience severe body dysphoria, doing away with gender wouldn’t help much, because that isn’t the source of their discomfort.
I don’t think you understood what I meant by what we would call a man in a dress or a transwoman. There’s no language in English to even explain it. You also don’t understand how a culture can have a strict gender binary between men and woman and also accept a completely different pluralistic standard for anyone that…