
Getting justice for the abuse is difficult as it is. It’s even more difficult if the abuser is a wealthy white man. Add the fact the abuser is a wealthy man who is a beloved and admired heartthrob, idolized by men and women to the point his name is synonymous with desirable male = next to impossible to charge. Not

You only know about Brad’s celebrity friends (George Clooney) but no non-famous/non-hollywood friends. It’s possible that Angelina, like many celebrities has close personal friendships with people she knows outside showbiz

That’s a weak reasoning by her. You don’t have to speak a different language to be able to talk about someone without that person knowing. It’s called texting your friend in the same room. Everyone has done it, or at least has the ability to and no one wants to put an end to texting just because sometimes it can be

I don’t understand how Hillary Clinton is not on the list of badass women of 2016.

Comey. FBI isn’t supposed to push partisan agenda like this. I wasn’t shocked by Chaffetz’ actions, though that still doesn’t make it any less repugnant. Also the media’s handeling of this complete non-story was also absolutely repugnant. Media catching Clinton derangement syndrome and losing all objectivity this

We don’t “all” oppose mandatory sentencing requirements. I’m all for mandatory sentencing for certain violent crimes. Crimes like murder, manslaughter, rape, hate crime resulting in physical assault.. should all have mandatory minimums. Non-violent crimes, involuntary manslaughter, victim-less crimes shouldn’t have

I’m guessing it had to do with the fact that there are multiple witnesses who heard the girl saying “no stop” to the rapist. If her friends didn’t find her in the park and witness that, they would’ve likely gone with the “she got drunk alone with a boy and went off with him so she wanted it but is lying now” and gone

Democrats have been doing that though. Democratic/Progressive/Liberal voters are just difficult to mobilize. We the voters need to do better and organize.

It’s the Democratic voters that are the problem. I used to think exactly as you do until I worked couple campaigns and now I realize it’s not our elected officials but the liberal/progressive voters. 

She cited doing it because of issues at home. I wonder if the issue is that she doesn’t want to wear a hijab and this was her way of showing her parents that it makes her unsafe so she can stop wearing it without guilt from them.

As long as people get married, a certain percentage of them will always end in divorce. Without the help and access to divorce lawyers the emotional distress and aftermath of a broken marriage would only be worse.

Some people are assholes who get off on controlling/over-powering another person. Insecurities/entitlement make some people think having sex without seeking consent makes them powerful. It doesn’t! That doesn’t stop some people’s insecurities, entitlement and assholery - influenced by patriarchal culture - from

It’s not simply different to the same degree of harm. Dress code based on modesty culture promotes rape culture. Whether it’s evangelical Christians, Catholic schools, secular but patriarchal community, or fundamentalist muslims, their promotion and practice of “modest dressing” that largely applies only to women in

Miss USA pageant has allowed Muslim women to compete though. A Muslim woman even won the entire Miss USA pageant. So this isn’t about being inclusive of people of different religions since she’s not the first Muslim. So what is this about? What exactly is being celebrated since it’s not the inclusion of race,

I’m sorry to hear your wife doesn’t feel she’s safe to even dress however she wants. I hope we can all at least make this world a better place for your children’s future, so they never have to live in fear.

The misogyny directed at Sania Mirza is on another level because she’s an Indian woman married to a Pakistani man. With the Teen Miss USA contestant, I don’t see any reason to celebrate nor speak against the gal. It’s only when I see people celebrating practice of gendered dress codes or being bigoted towards an

Actually knowing pluralistic versions of Islam and my own community makes me biased? Your closed mindedness is what leaves minorities within minorities marginalized.

Where did I say anything about her being oppressed or telling women how to dress? The fact that that’s where your head went after reading what I said is the actual problem.

Muslim women have competed in Miss USA pageant. 2010 Miss USA winner was a Muslim woman from Michigan. So no, expecting uniform rules for all beauty pageant contestants is not discrimination. That’s not what discrimination is! Also I’m sick of only Muslim women being highlighted in media being the ones in Hijab. Most

Abortion isn’t even talked about as an option after unplanned pregnancies. Sex and the City is one of the few where it was discussed. On film and TV usually what we see is a teenager/twenty-something not yet ready for a kid or pregnancy/a mother who can’t afford another kid has an unwanted pregnancy then freaks out