
I gave up on Jezebel when they failed to report Hillary Clinton stating she would repeal the Hyde amendment. I mean that’s a HUGE Effin dea!!!!! Its a big story for any liberal leaning media site but especially for one with a focus on feminist issues. They eventually reported it weeks later when Bernie Sanders stated

Instead of “questioning” it, you should try understanding. I’m a millennial and instead of questioning, which inherently comes off as condescending, I made the effort to understand why my peers so overwhelmingly support Bernie. Its simply a factual statement that Bernie has the support of majority of the millennials.

I thought he said chump. I’ll have to watch it again but yeah that is inappropriate if he said Trump.

I’m south asian and we have a joke called “Desi Standard Time” and my friend sitting across from me who’s arab tells me, Arabs make the exact same joke and call it “Arab Standard Time.” The story behind the joke is the same as well, its because the simple concept/expectation of “being on time” hasn’t traditionally

Obama is first to admit(and has on the record admitted) Hillary Clinton had to deal with harsh biases against her in a way him or his campaign didn’t. They both made negative attacks against each other but the media highlighted Hillary’s camp doing it and pundits criticized her far more, than they did him. Being

Try being a millennial Hillary supporter. Hillary’s support among millennials has been questioned from the very beginning of this primary EVEN by Sanders campaign. Its one thing when its the media or anyone else but we’ve got Bernie’s camp aging me when it comes to Hillary. If you want a real challenge try being a HRC

1. That’s a lie. More than one person was responsible and the one who was fired was a high level employee in Bernie’s campaign. Its either Bernie being involved or it shows his poor judgement.

She would face the same sexism as HRC and some sort of bern bros would still exist. There would be more of that, it’s not because she’s a woman, its because she’s THAT woman and they’d be okay with a woman running just not THIS woman. She faced it when she ran for her senate seat.

They also have small hands..

Warren actually was on the receiving end of the same petty shit when she ran for her Massachusetts senate seat. Google old articles on her senate run and you’ll find a lot about how she’s “inauthentic,” “unlikable,” the comment section calling her a liar, oh and despite her bonafide progressive record men (WHITE men,

Also legalizing marijuana on a federal level is against international law that America foolishly pushed. So we can’t really legalize it on a federal level no matter how much we believe it should be. However we can decriminalize it and allow states to legalize it.

Thats actually a wonderful thing to hear from a young child. Starting around teenage years our culture starts to drill that supporting the ladies or lady stuff is uncool and sometimes made to be even shameful.

My ex-fiance who’s college apartment had Bill Clinton’s picture framed in the living room and once said he would want Bill to officiate our wedding and was also an Obama supporter, gave me a look of shock and disgust when I told him I was supporting Hillary. It was a great reminder of why it didn’t work out between us.

Leave it Jezebel to rebrand it as a failed attempt by Clinton to be cool. What is up with the writers on this site?

I agree with you 100%. I’m a WoC with a muslim name and background and immigrant parents, so I win most oppression olympic battles but it makes my blood boil when I see issues of gender inequality effecting women reduced to “White Feminism.” This thinking is absolutely rooted in sexism. Women are still expected to

I’m a WoC and what BitterBetty was told is correct. I have dark skin, a “muslim name” and XX chromosome, so cut the crap. I’m sick of seeing gender inequality being minimized and we, half the population, have been fighting this fight for THOUSANDS of years. I don’t see this minimizing bullshit arguments brought up in

He’s a moderate republican for as far as republicans go. At least that’s how I classify politicians who fall in the direct center of conservative spectrum.

Another example of how this same bullshit works world wide. Doctors are a highly valued and well paid field, except for in the few countries where it is considered a “female profession” and therefore has more women than men in the field, only in those countries are doctors not among one of the highest paid

I used to think its the supporters being ridiculous but it seems like this attitude comes from the candidates. Go to Bernie and Hillary’s twitter page and maybe even sign up for their emails. See the difference in what each candidate says.

That’s incredibly impressive. I yearn for the day we have equal representation in all areas of our society. That means 70% white, 30% POC(comprising of all racial groups), and 51% women in every field(with maybe a few exceptions). It actually warms my heart and makes me proud to know Hillary Clinton also sees the