
Yes to everything you said! I’m sure Bernie means well and believes he’s doing right by the people but people have been fooled to have this illusion of who they believe Bernie is. The double standard I have seen is just disgusting. I see people putting down Hillary Clinton for her foreign policy when Bernie has

Should she really STFU?

Yup! These politically correct assholes never speak up for the minorities in my community. They don’t care for liberal muslims, the don’t care for feminists in muslims countries, they don’t care for the reformers, they constantly align themselves with the regressive conservative elites of our countries so they can

I wish US wasn’t allied with Saud and I wish no one did business with them, the rest of the world is just as responsible. The greatest responsibility to not sponsor terrorism, falls solely on only Saudi and Qatar though. Also are to blame, faux liberals, who happen to align with the elites of our countries every time!

If war works for me? I did not say that. All i’m doing is, pointing out that you don’t know who started the war and how, which war effects people. The war you seem to be objecting to, saying it doesn’t work for you, doesn’t effect you life. It effects the life of people like me, and my family, and my boyfriend, and

WOW my boyfriend, an iraqi refugee who lived his entire childhood under war, is thankful for American intervention. He lost his brother to alqueeda, he lost relatives under Sadam, it wans’t US intervention that made life difficult for them. That is what saved MANY more lives.

Al quaeda cam to power because the Iraqi leader, a Sunni was already persecuting Shias, thanks to american intervention, shia(majority of Iraqis) were freed of that, unfortunately the new leader was also power hungry and did not want to continue funding the sunni forces fighting against Alqaueeda after American forces

Thank you!!! I’m so raged by faux libeals like Wendi Muse! I’m from pakistan, have lived in northern pakistan which is under the Taliban rule, my boyfriend, an iraqi refugee, who lived during the war, can tell you American intervention made things better for us. We lost family members! He lost his brother to alqaueda,

Also Wendi Muse is completely wrong about her analysis. People like her who have such a white and black view of the world, are faux liberals, who think they’re helping us but only make things harder for us. I’m Pakistani, I’ve lived in northern pakistan, where Taliban rules, my boyfriend is a refugee from Iraq who

The war that was diapropriationly harming women was the Taliban war against the afghan people. The civil war in Iraq waged by alqueda. Get some real perspective. Try living in my land before you make things worse for us by opening your mouth about your cozy white and black perspective of the world. If i sound angry it

Any woman who runs will be demonized the same way Hillary is. No woman running for president will ever be “easily electable” until we have a woman president

People like you don’t understand any bit about what happens in other countries and like to think America is just bad. I’m from pakistan, maybe try going to pakistan or afghanistan and see how the wars HAVE helped women. It wasn’t so great for us under the good ol Taliban boys. Women in afghanistan can now go to school

She wasn’t taking away women’s agency. Apparently talking about patriarchal conditioning exhibited in young men and women and the pressure we face by this social dynamic is now unacceptable for a feminist to address... Kind of makes the point actually. I can’t believe i’m seeing this on a “feminist” site. None of you

“pretty much everyone heading the major liberal organizations has worked for them at some point. Defending the Clintons is what they do”

Agree completely. False fairness fallacy in media is dangerous and results in public thinking rejecting things like climate change and evolution is just as valid a position. What I do wish for is applying the same standard in coverage for both candidates. Repealing the Hyde amendment is HUGE! Its a major feminist

Good! About god damn time! I will scream if PP doesn’t succeed in this.

Yup, what we see here is racism of low expectations. As a woman from muslim background, these hypocrites do us no favors by displaying their double standard!

Self-entitled attitude + androcentric world view always leads to persons being divorced from reality, with little to no sense of self-awareness. Regardless of what Jeffery Wells looks like, how can he possibly conceive that as a critic, his comments were in anyway sound or valid? Apart from the immaturity displayed in

Usually such experiences make the person more empathetic but I don’t feel that with Noah. If its difficult for him to discuss such sensitive subjects then maybe he shouldn’t comment on them at all. Its not like someone asked him to share his thoughts about it. He was under no obligation to make jokes about domestic

LOL that room full of people you sat with know absolutely nothing about the woman you speak of and neither do you. Good job at trying to shame a woman who originally kept her birth name but was not only pressured but harassed into changing it.