
If kids have a good relationship with their parents and feel they can be open then they would go to their parent about BC related stuff, not that program. So parents who’re good parents and would support their child have no reason to worry about not knowing. Kids don’t make life hard for themselves by sneaking around

I was one of those kids. I always had irregular periods and sometimes would skip 2-3 months at a time and then sometimes get my period twice in one month. My mom (a conservative pakistani who had terrible experience with birth control and had a really difficult time finding one that didn’t make her sick because birth

I highly doubt it. America isn’t the only place with mental illness. Nor is mental health problems unique to males. Women live in the same society, are of the same race, same class, and exposed to the same gun culture but women aren’t committing mass shootings in America. So I think we can rule those things out as the

Its not money. I know LOTS of really pretty girls from my hometown and the guys they date usually work minimum wage jobs. The girls didn’t seek higher education after high school or maybe have some college education and the guys they date also only have high school diplomas or GED. Most of them still live in or around

The types who even consider or support the idea of taking up actual arms would never “take up figurative arms to overthrow it instead.” They are too fixated on male entitlement. Just think, from these guys’ perspective an egalitarian society isn’t as appealing as being the one with power in a patriarchal hierarchy

Women have the same access to guns that men do, women living in the same gun culture does not result in mass shootings.

America isn’t the only country with mental illness, in fact, as poor as it might be, we still have better mental health care than most countries. However, America is the only country with such a large gun culture. Thats what we need to tackle

I came to say the same thing but I think those gals look fine, its Kourtney and Kris that look terrible. Why is Kourtney’s hair so flat?

I just gave examples of two media outlets reporting straight up false information regarding her and your response is to somehow blame her and assume it must be because of something she has done. You justify that with, she brings about bad feelings? Yup no sexism here! If your next response is, I’m a feminist and could

I agree! Restaurants should pay their employees like any other business has to! They can raise their food prices if they have to but the tipping thing just pits customers and wait staff against each other while the restaurant owner who’s the one to blame gets to sit in glee.

This entire thread is why the whole tipping thing is bullshit! Restaurants should pay their employees like any other business has to! They can raise their food prices if they have to but the tipping thing just pits customers and wait staff against each other while the restaurant owner who’s the one to blame gets to

She doesn’t control the media. She’s not to blame if other media outlets start using fox news like tactics to misinform their viewers

It shows there’s a strong bias against her and what media reports on her. If you truly want to know about her then you should follow her instead of relying on your choice of news media to report honestly about Clinton because many have obviously failed to do so.

Can’t just blame the tea party, here we have gawker media trying to sabotage her chances too. It’s one thing they don’t report anything Hillary is doing unless its negative news(which is useless and not even truly anything negative but just presented that way). Now they are quoting Times, claiming she didn’t meet with

Thank you, this reporting on Hillary is just ridiculous!

Except for the fact she spoke there today

LOL you’re comparing that to this scenario

oh my ovaries!!! I pray that Olivia picks Jake in the end or Olivia leaves Fitz, Mellie leaves them both, Jake leaves Olivia for someone great who truly loves and appreciates him(I’m willing to play that role)

I love Rosen but he has always been way in over his head in that crazy world of politics

How could you forget Jackie Chan and Mindy Kailing?!! Don’t worry I love trivia too and did the same thing.