
I started having crushes when I was like 6 years old. It wasn’t sexual attraction like I feel now obviously but I just knew I felt something for boys. Then I had my first boyfriend when i was like 9 years old. So I always knew I was straight without a question.

Exactly! As someone who has actually studied politics of other countries and actually been to other countries, there’s no question that America is indeed one of the best places. Anyone saying America is a garbage country doesn’t even realize how privileged they are. Even a homeless person in America is more privileged

Exactly. When I hear someone say our country is garbage, I just think you don’t even know how privileged you are. Even a homeless person in America is more privileged than a homeless person in the third world. It’s really not eve a subjective thing, America is objectively better place to be than majority of the world.

You’re not getting it. If we’re just talking about America, there’s a lot that needs to change and things can be and should get better. No one said that it’s all good here just because things are worse in other places, in fact I said the opposite of that. You’re really coming off like you just want to hate.

Which is why in my very first post I said

No, trust me living in America makes you more privileged over people living in most other countries. You know how a white person born in lower-income household isn’t as privileged as middle-class white guy but the white guy belonging to lower-income household would still be more privileged than a black kid born in a

Seriously! After seeing how people from some other countries were talking about same-sex marriage, I am so glad I live here. We may be at the lower end of other developed nations but I still love this country and there’s a lot more good here than bad!

What you said! I remember recently there was an article on Jez that had a video of a republican government official discussing, of course abortion, and the man sitting in the state council said to the woman speaking up for reproductive rights, “why is abortion so important to you people, WHat is it about that

I’m getting the hint that this person’s concern comes from the whole blame the victim logic. If you’re assaulted for being in a place where men are allowed to be then it’s your fault. It’s used to keep women out of certain work place, activities and pretty from participating in public life and in super conservative

That is so sad. So with this train of thought women make themselves feel bad about sex and feel guilty for being dirty girl and then go on to take part in sexual activities only for the pleasure of men. I mean sure I enjoy giving BJ and hand jobs can be fun sometimes but if I wasn’t getting anything in return then it

If I was a huge hypocrite who got paid to promote abstinence I would get on the most effective form of BC plus have the guy wear condoms and still pull out. I don’t like hypocrites or bigots but recently I’ve learned I don’t like dumb hypocrite or bigots even more. Maybe because they then take the fun out of catching

I would totally agree with you but if she has enough freedom to have sex then she would also have enough freedom to use birth control.

That makes more sense. I was thinking, how does someone get engaged to a somewhat famous person and manage to keep a secret spouse?

HerIn America men can only change their name to their wife’s in 5 states. The rest don’t allow that option to the man. A man’s name change is not even considered as part of his marriage by the state. So we already have the extreme that your’e talking about. Except it’s worse because marriage license forms have that

This kind of crap is so freaking annoying. It shows our society expects women to change their name. The mind blowing thing is that it seems to be legal for them to discriminate against those couples who don’t take the traditional name change route.

It’s easy to feel compelled to do so when the state issued marriage license has name change section on the form and 90% of the time this option is only for women. So I’m sure a lot of women end up feeling like that’s what you’re supposed to do even when they don’t actually want to use husband’s name. States just

A woman who originally had a unique name: My name was too hard/long and his was simple so I took his.

You two could make a new last name. That way it’ll be unique and unlike any other name. Never having to worry about someone else having the same name as you lol

Yeah I used to think having a family name was somehow important for a family to be one unit but then I realized in many countries, even the one I was born in, families don’t have the same name. For example in my family only I had my dad’s name, my mom kept hers and my brothers both had different names. We never had

That’s kind of cute and funny. What if your baby is an exact mix of both though? lol