
There are so many women who become pro-choice or bigger supporters for the cause after giving birth because they realize what it truly means to go through pregnancy. One of my friend from work was telling me how she never really cared about this issue before and actually leaned more towards the pro-life crowd but

Someone tell that lady that 60% of women obtaining abortion in America already have at least one child.

Right! 60 percent of women in America obtaining an abortion already have at least one child. I wonder if profilers are aware of this fact.

Which is so bizarre! If i was a women’s doctor or clinic only in it for the money then I would want as many full term pregnancies and births as possible. Since that way I could make thousands of $$$ and not hundreds like you would if a woman choses abortion.

My parents planned their kids too. We’re all 3 years apart in age and it feels great to know that our parents had us when they truly wanted us and they put so much thought and effort into planning and spacing us out so they would be in the best position to raise healthy babies. I don’t think they had any abortions

What you’re saying isn’t actual science or any sort of fact like you think it is. Gender is defined by us and so is gendered language. So calling a person he or she has nothing to do with all that you said, as it has nothing to do with science.

In Scandal, Jake was stabbed bunch of times but he survived. So If Jake from Scandal can do it, so can Jon Snow! He must!!!!!

So ridiculous!

I really didn’t get why they kept repeating the sleeping thing. As if that makes it not as bad or makes Josh better. I wonder how they feel about victims who’re roofied. Is that no big deal since the victim doesn’t remember? Should the perpetrator be let off the hook because he was kind enough to wait for their victim

Those in doubt should also check out TLC’s Facebook page and read recent comments

When one is inconsistent about their beliefs then that means those aren’t actually their beliefs. So the point here is, they don’t actually care about interference with god’s will or natural order of things. What they care about is controlling women.

No body denied that those things aren’t important so I don’t see why you’re bringing this up. Do you post on gay rights articles about how marriage isn’t really that big of a deal because there are a lot of important things outside of marriage rights, like reproductive rights? Do you think to bring up the importance

therefore any interference from that point is interference with both life, and God’s will.

I disklike everything about this! This challenge discriminates against all those with B cup or less

What’s the joke?

Sometimes you just want to fool around but not have sex. Sometimes you just want some head or finger action but not intercourse. Sometimes... a million different things can happen for your to get naked and not want sex....

I bet if I informed the guy I have an incurable STD that boner will go down real fast. Even if I said it in a really sexy voice and really wanted the D. Or say if a gal is with guy and either his parents or children walk in the room, I bet he wont want to have sex no matter how naked the gal is. So men can indeed stop

That is so ridiculous. I can’t believe these people exist. I was friends with/knew handful of butch lesbians when I was in high school/middle school and even then I had the maturity to not act like the women you’re describing. I don’t think I ever even thought about them being attracted to me and none ever tried

That second picture from the left is just gorgeous! That picture should be used to sell EVERYTHING!

That’s how I read it too but then only 17% of 65+ having had tried weed sounds weird. It just doesn’t make sense if 44% of 50-64 year olds have tried weed but then the number drops to 17%. You would think the number of people who have tried weed would increase with age. Generation differences can surely count for some