Rape hasn’t changed over time. The affect and all the ways it can impact victims doesn’t change over time. So I don’t know what you even mean by that or even you know what you mean.
Rape hasn’t changed over time. The affect and all the ways it can impact victims doesn’t change over time. So I don’t know what you even mean by that or even you know what you mean.
I don’t thinks he risked Drogo’s wrath, I think she felt empowered by her position as Khalesi that gave her the courage to save the Lazarheen women. She also fell in love with the man who had raped her and wanted to learn ways to please him. Making the best of a bad situation is one thing but how they portrayed that…
I agree except I don’t think I wanted to see poor Sansa’s face any longer either. Or the rape scene at all for that matter. This show really makes rape seem like some common brutality that happens to women but doesn’t affect them after or in other areas of their life. We’ve seen it happen with Khaleesi on her wedding…
I agree this scene completely ruined Sansa’s character and all that she was supposed to become. Like how do we expect her to get on after that brutality towards her and become a stronger person. My feelings about the potential for Sansa’s character were changing but now it seems difficult to see that potential I saw…
What happens in the book?
Yeah I wonder if he even spoke to Brody about this. Like he claims that he talked to Brody about Bruce’s transition and brody is very excited and all... Like did he really talk to Brody or did Attention whore spencer just make that up out of no where about the guy he USED to be friends with a long time ago. Who he…
Are they conservatives?
A great reality show idea would be where spencer and Heidi (speidi) try to forcefully hangout with all their Hills co-stars in an attempt to be relevant again. Like trying to get Lauren, Audrina, Brody, Lo, and all those people to spend time with them. The awkward conversations between them would be so worth watching.…
Did Kylie learn nothing from Kim?! Don’t get married so young, especially to a man much older than you girl! Your sister already made that mistake!
Its not like she inherited her millions. People like Obamas and Clintons worked for their money and theres no need to hate them for that
I understand the reason for having the policy and I think most parents would also feel better about having a policy like this. I’m sure my parents wouldn’t have wanted a male or female professor hitting on me or making me feel uncomfortable in any way with closed doors (i wouldn’t either). So the policy i get, it’s…
Thanks for answering. I’m still confused as to whether this rule applies to all faculty with students of any sex though. If it does then it doesn’t seem as absurd at all and in that case this rule doesn’t really apply to this news story at all.
So is your issue with meeting any student alone or just female students? because you can be accused of having an inappropriate relationship with a student of either sex if it’s just unsubstantiated rumors you’re worried about.
If someone is going to start false rumors then couldn’t that person also start false rumors about someone having an inappropriate relationship with a male student/employee also? I mean I get it if the person won’t risk being alone with any person without another person present in the room but only avoiding people of…
I’m also a little confused. Did he mean he admired the men and women of whom he mostly admired the men.. and not the women as much? Or that he admired the men and women, of which it was mostly men that made up the force.
Seriously if that ending doesn’t end up being a dream or Fitz hallucinating or something then i’m done with this show. Like i was actually glad this show is over last night because I was that over it.
I would be okay with Cyrus getting fired as long as he gets fired because Fitz is losing his presidency. I’m not cool with Fitz, the biggest hypocrite-holier than thou-baby being the one to fire cyrus. His hypocrisy is just repulsive and I just want someone to put him in his place.
I think the only reason they’re still open is because no one bothers to close them. Liberals aren’t as extreme, loud, or controlling and as conservatives. Can you imagine if I was opening up fake cancer care clinics with blatant lies and misinformation regarding cancer and the cure to an extent that I was faking…