
I can agree that many people would do all sorts of awful shit if they could get away with it but I don't believe that list of awful things would include inflicting bodily harm and trauma on another person. Things like stealing, cheating, and fraud are one thing but willing to commit violent crimes with ease is against

Since you were having trouble grasping a simple concept and trouble understanding the difference between the criminal activity in this story and teen stupidity, my long response was needed.

That's so sad and fucked up!

they didn't even consider the issue of being minors.

Things done by "female dumbasses" are posted and talked about just as much as similar things done by male dumbasses.

Things done by "female dumbasses" are posted and talked about just as much as similar things done by male dumbasses.

Posting inappropriate status/tweets about getting drunk/sneaking out of the house/talking crap about their boss or teachers counts as being teenage dumbasses on the internet. Taking pictures of a minor during a sex act without her knowledge and posting it on social media is criminal! They're not just being dumb

A. No the difference is one is a child and the other is a fetus

That was exactly my first thought. How does he assume Beyonce has no agency! Oh wait that's how things work in his patriarchal world view. It's as if a woman making her own independent life choices and the man in her life simply supporting but not controlling her decisions is incomprehensible for him.

What the fuck!! Ew! I hate him!

I can see Streep feeling the need to say something nice about him since he had good things to say about her. I would feel the same obligation if someone singled me out of all the actresses there are to say something good about me. I don't know if it's because as a woman I've been taught to be nice to anyone who

I can see her feeling the need to say something nice about him since he had good things to say about her. I would feel the same obligation if someone singled me out of all the actresses there are to say something good about me. I don't know if it's because as a woman I've been taught to be nice to those who compliment

It's truly sad how so many don't even understand what objectification, slut-shaming, victim blaming, or even sexism truly is when they argue that it doesn't exist.

Clothes don't always look the same in pictures.

Saying "I don't care" shows that you indeed do hold a double standard

I was wrong he only has one kid

The discussion is about what right someone has over their body and what happens to their body after death. That's what the discussion is about. You have a lot to say when it comes to using a person's uterus without their permission after death but wont comment on the use of any other part of a human's body after their

LOL doesn't Kanye have other kids from different baby mammas?

Goodness! The woman is the patient and her health and wellbeing should be cared for before anything else.

No I'm not making an assumption at all. I only pointed out what i've observed from your posts.