
What part of this are you not understanding? Three people are in a car. The car gets pulled over for driving with a broken tail light. The officer approaches the vehicle to ticket the driver but for some reason suspects something and asks the driver to step out of the car. The move to the rear end of the car and the

She was there because she was sitting in the passenger seat of a car that was pulled over for driving with a broken tail light and slightly exceeding the speed limit. Then the officer noticed there were two black males and one female in the car and asked the driver to step out of the car and questioned him at the rear

Are you trying to further prove my point? There's no evidence that she was a participant in the shootout.

I like that!

No! We can charge her for the crime she was being arrested for but not for something she wasn't a part of. The evidence we have shows that she had no involvement in the shootout that occurred.

I want to make up a funny name for women like this, kind of like MRA's use of "white knight." I know it won't serve any real purpose for anything but it will annoy some people. Which i'm okay with when dealing with trolls, since they're not interested in engaging in a constructive discussion.

People who think like this must live in a different world. In history of forever, when have women ever benefited from coming out as rape victims? The attention victims get is never good attention, even when it's sympathy. Most people don't know how to help a rape victim and she is sometimes seen as nothing but a rape

Yeah sometimes they call it rape but still won't call the guy a rapist. It's really strange

I'm pretty sure they don't think it's rape. You can tell when you read comments from kids who went to high school with tristen killman (the rapist from norman high). Hell, even a lot of adults don't see it as rape.

Sure men can share their opinion and what they would like with their sex partner but they can't force a woman to carry a pregnancy she doesn't want. If they really want to become fathers then they can either adopt or find a woman who's willing to be a surrogate

This is his option

It doesn't sound like they want equality, it sounds like they want more rights than the woman.

they also probably think any woman they are willing to sleep with should by rights be their property. Unless she already belongs to another man

I have noticed a lot of anti abortion folks now leave out the rape exception because they've been schooled by pro-choicers who point this out to them. Since punishing slutty women is far more important to them than protecting innocent pure women, they decide the small percentage of raped women seeking abortion can

Couldn't women just look up recently dead males in their town and claim that was the father

The thing is abortion is about not being pregnant not about parental responsibility. No matter what your reasoning for an abortion may be, the point is to end a pregnancy. Once there's a child in existence a mother is just as responsible for the child as the father. Both have equal rights and responsibilities in the

Once there's a child in existence, you can't forego your parental responsibilities either. Whatever your reasons may be for aborting your pregnancy, that decision is about the pregnancy. Once there's a child in existence, the only thing fair is to support that child and that requires money. That money is either going

Once there's a child in existence, you can't forego your parental responsibilities either. Whatever your reasons may be for aborting your pregnancy, that decision is about the pregnancy. Once there's a child in existence, the only thing fair is to support that child and that requires money. That money is either going

That is nuts! Men should have more methods of birth control. I've heard of male birth control pill that is 99% effective and also a birth control shot. It's not only great for birth control but the new method for males was also proven to reduce the risk of spreading STIs. Unfortunately it's not very popular in the

The mother of the child doesn't have the option to terminate any obligations either. What you're asking for is giving women more rights than men. A man has control over whatever goes on in his body and where his sperm goes. He doesn't get control over the woman's body just because he ejaculated inside her. So just as