
So what.

What do you think “democracy” and “republic” mean?

Goddammit, 1970s! (or rather, late 1960s!) I’m guessing that the top photo is Nixon’s, because I’ll be damned if those couches aren’t the dead ringer for the couch that’s currently sitting in my basement. My parents paid for that couch in 1970, and dammit, they’re gonna get their money’s worth! (At least it’s gold and

He is actually telling people that the drapes were FDR’s. That doesn’t answer the question, however. Does he think they were FDR’s, or does he know they weren’t and it’s just another petty thing he’s lying about?

I haven’t seen that much blue and gold since my WVU days.

*My Eyes!*

I like Obama’s couches better, but W’s rug is pretty cool.

Is this real? Gold-toned everything? Good god.


it’s sort of a muddled mess of Nixon and W. Bush...

Those gold chairs are fugly and don’t work in that room. He’s just oozing his bad taste all over the WH. It’s gross.


Buddy, that’s not even the start of my Firefly slander.

A new study found taking fish oil supplements ineffective in preventing the surgically-produced blood vessel access points used for dialyses treatments from failing. This sounds niche, but unlike other fish oil studies we’ve reported on, blood vessels are the exact wheelhouse scientists thought taking fish oil

It isn’t. He is one of 6 or 7 leads in a Chinese made production. The US trailer is just cut so US people can recognize someone and so it can sell internationally because most international people don’t know the Chinese stars in the film.

Makes sense. He’s appointing people who wanna fuck us, he’s issuing executive orders to expand the pool of people to be fucked, he’s pulling the regulations so that we can’t do anything about being fucked, and soon he’s gonna (Eddie Murphy Ralph Kramden voice) staaaaat fuckin...

BRING ON HER LAWSUIT. Seriously, this could be the one the ACLU needs.

At which point, the only thing stopping Bannon’s decree outlawing shoes will be Ivanka’s footware business!

BTW, I made a donation to the ACLU after they stymied Emperor HiroCheeto.