
Technically, even an infinite number of universes doesn’t mean that everything that could possibly happen will in one of them. It’s like how the set of all prime numbers is infinite, but lacks far more counting numbers than it contains for nearly all finite ranges.

DO NOT SING ON THE SUBWAY! I don’t care HOW famous you are, we’re all just trying to get to work and just want to ignore everyone around us so we can read a book or listen to a podcast. We are trying to have a goddamn civilization here! People in a train are the very definition of a captive audience since they CAN’T

No thank you. If the term "Captive Audience" applies you're being a dick. Buskers on the street and subway platforms, fine no problem I can walk away.

yeah, and lets not talk about the holes they get where the shirt rubs against the button of your jeans after about 2 wears.

Oh Mii God that makes me want superman even more!!

Um...this is pretty damn sexy.

I made the mistake of buying a white drapey tee from their online sale once. I put it on and went, “Whelp, might as well be naked, ‘cuz there’s my belly button and bra completely displayed.” It’s a nightshirt now.

It’s called having a “frap”.

you really shouldn’t be doing that in public restrooms.


In my last role I was hired on as salaried non-exempt and had to track my hours in our time-keeping system. So it’s not unheard of now, at least.

Yeah, it’ll be interesting to see if they (1) decide to start having time cards for salaried employees, (2) bump all their salaried employees up to the threshold so they don’t have to worry about it, or (3) just tell employees not to work overtime and then if they get sued deal with the consequences of having failed

That will change. Or rather, it will change for companies that have a strong CYA game, and then there will be a flurry of lawsuits for the laggards, and eventually following legal standards will be commonplace. See Business As Usual. :)

I’m really curious how employers will keep track of the overtime they owe, as salaried workers generally don’t punch a timecard or anything.

It is, and if what you’re saying is absolutely correct, then I will finally get overtime! HOORAY!

Right... the duties test isn’t changing, but the minimum salary threshold is. You can meet all of the duties test criteria, but if you make less than $50,440 you cannot be exempt. I thought that was the whole point of this.

Ugh, after years working in the mid-$40K range, I JUST got a raise past this new threshold like two months ago! I wonder if my old salary+overtime would have added up to more than my new mid-$50K current salary. For my own peace of mind, I’m not going to do the math.

The White Collar Exemption, as I understand it, has always been subject to the $23,660 threshold, meaning that if you were salaried at less than $23,660 you were entitled to overtime no matter what. In order to fall under the exemption, your job had to fall under a certain category and meet certain criteria, AND pay